< Previous"A" squad basketball players, left to right: Coach Ken La Croix, Dick Dwyer, Mike Schwie, Al Robinson, Jim Re, Glen Peterson, Terry Ahlquist, Craig Fabel, Marc Bohn, J a ck Bergman, Brabyn Wild a nger, Dave Gelvick, Mike Lindsoe, Jim Nimsger. (NOT SHOWN, Jim Nordstrom). SCORES *Bethlehem Academy F a rmington *Hastings Simley (overtime) Lakeville *Randolph * Minnehaha Academy *Breck '~St. Paul Lutheran Prior Lake (overtime) Rosemount Farmington Simley Lakeville Prior Lake Rosemount / * Hastings (Sub-district) * Non -conference They 72 51 63 54 54 58 60 57 31 52 63 53 35 68 61 66 70 We 48 45 54 51 41 49 36 42 67 49 39 52 51 53 58 42 41 68 ~~A'' SQUAD Captain Craig Fabel and Coach Ken La Croix. Coaches : Ken LaCroix and Fred Leider BASKETBALL Mike Schwie, Jr. Jim Nordstrom, Soph. / Jack Bergman, Jr. Glen Peterson, Jr. Dick Dwyer, Jr. Marc Bohn, Sr . Craig Fabel, Sr . 9 LETTERMEN RETURN Al Robinson, Sr. Mike Lindsoe, Sr. Brab y n Wildanger, Sr. Terry Ahlquist, Jr. Jim Re, Jr. Dave Gelvick, Jr. 70 "B" squad basketball players, left to right: 1st ROW--Brian Becker, Ron Olson, Pat Ryan, Bob Middlestadt, Mike Ry an, Dick Engleson. 2nd ROW--Coach Mr. Lei der, Tom Collier, Ed Egan, Rex Martin, Don Sorenson, Jim Helgestad. ~~B'' SQUAD 71 "A" SQUAD Jud y Mari e tt e, K a ren Boyer, N anc y Jo h anse n , Chri sty C a mpb e ll, a nd Pam Fr e dric kso n . CHEERLEADERS Di an e D ock en , Viri ginia Bj o rgum , Jud y Sn e ll, Cindy Fredrick son, a nd Ann Sperry . Sharon Maxwell, Dorothy Amell, Kathy Irish, Diana Edwards, Kathy Burch, Sue Knebel, Sharlee Burch , Linda Swain , Jean Porterfield, Diane Johnson, Diane Luce , Susan Truso, Sue Ellen Homo. BRAVETTES 73 Jane Helgesen Mary Kelleher Barb Spindler Sharon Ordemann Lyna Nordstrom Faye Lahti 1963-64 CONCERT CHORUS Bob Qualley Ray Arsenault Don Eichen Duane Carlton Jim Nordstrom Larry Milam Berry Mott Dave Brunet Marcia Taylor This year's chorus has shown tremen-dous style and feeling. They have worked many hard hours to become an excellent choral group. The chorus received its first "A" at the district contest and then earned an "A" rating in the state contest. Burnsville has a chorus that gets better and better every year. Diana Edwards Marcia Taylor Sue Miller Kirsten Jensen Lois Monson Sandy Qualley :1963-64 CONCERT BAND Concert Band Highlights of 63-64 year AUGUST: State Fair Trophy NOVEMBER: Missota Conference Festi-val; Barb Fuglem and Collette Berge re-ceive an invitation from the European Tour Band Commission to tour Europe DECEMBER: Winter Concert JANUARY: Memorable exchange con-cert tour to Glenwood and Grand Forks MARCH: Little Nell and Vermin Slit-terwhip star in the annual Pop Concert APRIL: The band was privileged to play a concert at Augsburg College; Ba nd wins its fourth consecutive "A" at the district and fourteen A's were received by solos and ensembles MAY: The band won its fourth "A" at the state contest; The Drum Ensemble, Dave Gelvick, Lynn Shafer, and Babette Oberg also received the coveted state "A"; Spring Concert; Sye Askelin, Gary Ista, and Dave Gelvick were named members of the All-State Band, Lynn Shafer was named outstanding band member of the year 76 Wright from da Dwagon's mouth. Are You i n Tune?! Hip Hip Hooo-Ra ay Softer Please! ! ! ! "l 'm going to take you in. Europe Bound . . . Next >