< PreviousArpund the table, Left to right: P . Ryan, C. Terwilliger, Kirsten Jensen , L. Shafer, C. Fabel. STANDING: Ad-visor Mr . Melchior, D. Flick , T. Koempel, S. Williams, C. Van Sloot e n, S . Williams. / AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE The purpose of the American Field Service is to promote better understand-ing between countries. Through foreign exchange students, this purpose is being realized. This is Burnsville' s third year of participation in the program. It was our ple a sure to have Miss Kirsten Jensen, a student from Denmark, attend Burnsville this year. We are looking forward to have many more foreign stu-dents at our sch ool in the future. 51) Around the table , left to right: J. Older, L. Shafer, C. Terwilliger, S. Ordemann, Kirsten Jensen. STANDING: Mr. Scheuble, N. Johansen, Mr. Fullerton, R. Germain, J. Nordstrom, M. Schwie, G. Peterson, D. Turnquist, L. Wiklie, L. Monson, Mr.Welckle. STUDENT COUNCIL President, Miss Terwilliger 59 The student council has been very active this year. Some of its work was the bulletin board in the main hall, ,th~ flags in the class rooms, rand an assembly on manners. ARSENIC AND OLD LACE 60 THE PLAYERS Abby Brewster Faye Lahti Mrs . Harper .... Jane Helgesen Teddy Brewster .. Richard Brown Officer Brophy . . . . Steve Staudt Officer Klein ... Bruce Rolf shus Martha Brewster ... Suzanne Petersen Elaine Harper ... Sharon Nelson Mortimer Brewster ... Bruce Kottom Miss Gibbs ... Lyna Lou Nordstrom Dr. Einstein .. . . Tom Helgesen Officer O'Hara . . . . Bob Fuglem Lieutenant Rooney . Brian Becker Mr. Witherspoon .... Bill Galley Jonathan Brewster .. Bruce Tyler / I' • 1•-i. 1 The Theatre Department opened its 1963-64 season with the hilarious comedy ARSENIC AND OLD LACE. The cast did an excellent job portraying the humorous story of murder and wine. The play was warmly received by the people in this area, and all felt that the Theatre Department really out-did itself in a marvelous production. ARSENIC AND OLD LACE was chosen as the pro-duction to be used for the annual theatre tour . This year's tour included Swanville and Silver Bay schools . Exuberant audiences in both communities proved again the tremendous success of this unique cultural exchange program: certainly one of Burns-ville' s finest extra-curricular achievements . 61 1st ROW (left to right)--B. Klamm, B. Galley, P. Nord, B. Rolfshus, L. Beenken, T. Helgesen, D. Whalen, R. Lahti. 2nd ROW--S. Nelson, D. Johnson, K. Hill, C. Erving, B. Flick, S. Mastous, J. Paukner, P. Ryan, A. Con-nelly, S. Williams, C. Campbell, D. Turner, B. Fuglem. 3rd ROW--N. Popehn, J. Van Engen, P. Johnson, S. Pilger, J. Helgesen, P. Markstrom, L. Nordstrom, K. Nelson, J. Sharpsteen, P. Leitchman. 4th ROW--S. Wood-fill, D. Pate, C. Grieger, S. Petersen, F. Lahti, L. Thomas, L. Monson, B. Fuglem, D. Pomije. 5th ROW--B. Becker, M. Wilson, B. Fuglem, B. Tyler, B. Kottom, D. Brown. DRAMA CLUB This year, the Drama Chili's main projects were the development of the costume and properties depart-ments . In addition to this, mem-bers of the club attended several high quality plays throughout the year. The annual Drama Club Ban-quet was held in May. Another function undertaken this year was the establishment of a branch of the National Thespians in Burnsville High School . The new charter held inauguration with sixteen students qualifying for membership. The National Thespians Society is an educational, .honor, and service organization. Barb Fuglem, Secretary; Lyna Lou Nordstrom, Vice-President; Mr. Mraz, advisor; Faye Lahti, President; Sue Mastous, Treasurer. 62 / IIII Ill II IIII Ill II Ill 1111111111111111 ., --'I • I \Iii :~ I I "• The scholastic a tomosphere at Burnsville this year has been greatly aided by new equipment and machines . Many new typewriters have been added to the Business Department. There are better machines and facilities in the Industrial Arts section. And the new art room has more space and more materials for use in student work. In short, the scholastic at-mosphere at Burnsville is a con -tribution to better student achieve-ment. 65 Carol Groven Ca thy Skarup a Judy Huber Cynthia Rickers Sue Woodfill Charlette Schedin Nancy Olson Dale Bluem RADIO CLUB LIBRARY AIDES SEATED, left to ri ght: Mr. Nevin, S. Gro-vender, D. Pettit , M. Wilson; STA NDING: R . Woodfill , D. Mc-Elwain, P. R etsinas, D. Germain, L. Lei-brand , J . Ac k erman. LETTERMEN'S CLUB 1st ROW, left to right: G. Peterson, M. Dillon, A. Robinson, B. Mott, J. Nimsger, L. Milam, R. Dwyer, J . Re ; 2nd ROW: T. Dalrympl e , D. Dwyer, J. Nordstrom, M . Schwie, G . Hitchcock, J. Bergman, J. White, E. Klamm; 3rd ROW: R. Arsenault, E. Boyer, T. Christopherson, D. Turnquist, J. Jensen, C. Fabel, D . Benson, G. Linkert, S. Bengston; 4tq ROW: J. Beckman, B. Wildanger, T. Ahlquist, B. Becker, E. Egan, R. Carleton, L. Jones, D. Pet e rson; 5th ROW : P. Nord, D. Brunet, J. Dietz, M. Erving, M. Koch, B. Tyler, J . Gehrls, R. Lewnau ; 6th ROW: Mr . La Croix and Mr . Pates. OUTSTANDING ATHLETE 1964 Gary Gibbish 67 OUT ST ANDING BASKETBALL PLAYER Mike Schwie Next >