< Previous78 SPEECH CONTEST The speech-interested students spent a busy year in 1963-64. Throughout the year many festivals were attended and numerous honors were brought to Burnsville . The fall Speech Festival at St. Cloud State College was the opening event of the year with six Burnsville students in attendance--Suzanne Peterson earned one of the highest ratings for work in interpretive reading. As the season of speech activities progressed festivals were attended at St. Anthony, St. Paul Park, Alexander Ramsey, and So. St. Paul. ONE ACT PLAY CONTEST "A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL" CAST: Sue Woodfill Bruce Tyler Richard Germain Top, l eft: T. Helg e sen, C . Soren-sen, F. Lahti, B. Fuglem, B. Tyl e r. Middle, left; M. Pond, M. Taylor, B. Gustafson, D. Turner. Bottom, left: R. Klamm, S. Johnson,, C. Fosse , C. Erving. Previous Members. 1st ROW: N. Johansen, L. Nordstrom, Miss Gallery, C . Terwilliger, F. Lahti, 2nd ROW: L. Shafer, P. Nord, T. Helgesen, C. Fabel. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY New Members. 1st ROW: P. Ryan, D. Timms, S. Williams, S. Lowinske, L. Monson, S. Mastous, 2nd ROW: C. Farnquist, M. Boudreau, B. Flick, D. Johnson, D. Edwa rd s, 3rd ROW: S. Shockley, C. Weber, D. Luce, C. Van Slooten, 4th ROW: D. Brunet, D. Eiken, R. Ryberg. As spring co mes to Burn-ville, students are still busily at wo rk. The Sci-ence Fair means man y weeks of har d work for quite a few s tudents. Ot hers are still busy wi th re gu lar school duties. This is also a time of field trips t o various pl ac es. Spr ingtime at Burnsv i lle i s active, he ctic, a nd exciting. 83 EMILY In its first attempt at Arena staging, the Theatre Department presented OUR TOWN, by Thornton Wilder. The staging proved to be quite popular. Several sell -out performances were pr ese nted to a udiences who proclaimed the arena staging a tremendous asset to better feeling and understanding of the play. As usual, the presentation of the play was excellent. The students did a trem e ndous job portraying th e characters; e verything was wonderfully life-like and re a listic. Under the direction of Mr. Mr az and student dir ec tor Suzanne Petersen, all the movements, spe ec hes, and ex-pressions of the characters were an excellent reproduction of what they would have been if this story would have ever taken place. All in all, the play wa s a very enjoyable experience . 84 CAST OF CHARACTERS Stage Manager . . . . Bruce Kottom Dr. Gibbs . . . Richard Brown Joe Crow e ll . . Mike Docken Howi e Newsom John Dietz Mrs. Gibbs . . Donna Pate Mrs. Webb . . Faye Lahti Geor ge Gibbs . Bruce Tyler Reb ecca Gibbs . . . . Sh a ron Nelson Wally Webb ...... Stev e Sperry Emily Webb . . . . Bev er ly Fuglem Profe sso r Willard ... Mark Wilson Mr. Webb ....... Bob Fuglem First La dy . . . . . . Sue Williams Second La dy . . . . . Kare n Ne lson First Man . . . . . . Bill Ga lley Simon Stimson . . . . Dave Whalen Mrs. Soames ..... Lynn Shafer Const a ble Warren . All a n Bourde aux Si Crow e ll . Tom Conroy Sam Craig . Bob Klamm Joe Stoddard Bruce Rolfshus ST AGE MANAGER OUR TOWN_ .. ' 85 YEARBOOK STAFF I 9 6 4 FIRST ROW: N. Johansen, P. Ryan, P. Fredrickson, S. Pilger, S. Wright, S. Burch, M. Kelleher, C. Brickson, A. Robinson. SECOND ROW: J. Bergman, J. White, R. Mueller, C. Johansen, K. Nelson, L. Shafer. THIRD ROW: D. Germain, I. Dannecker, B. Nybo, C. Van Slooten, C. Terwilliger. FOURTH ROW: J. Singewald, J. Marietta, C. Stark, S. Mastous, A. Connelly, J. Groven. FIFTH ROW: K. Hill, J. Huber, M. Snobeck, S. Nelson, S. Knebel, F. Lovely. SIXTH ROW: H. Bartholomew, D. Johnson, D. Reed, B. Flick, D. Edwards, S. Maxwell, C. Camp bell. SEVENTH ROW: G. Peterson, T. Ahlquist, L. Jones. Co-editors: Pat Ryan and Nancy Johansen Committee chairmen: Charlene Terwilliger Glen Peterson / Sharlee Burch Lynn Shafer ยท Maryl Lynn Snobeck Sue Knebel Sue Mastous Karen Nelson Dick Germain Activities Sports Sales Copy Publicity Photography Art Classes Scholastics 86 TOP, left to right--M. Schwie, R. Arsenault, advisor Mr. Gilbertson, M. Bohn, G. Peterson, M. And e rson. BOTTOM--B. Kingman, M. Dillion, D. Dwyer, J. Bergman, T. Ja so n, D. Whalen, B. Sykes, T. Parish. SEATED--J. Ladlie. C A L V u B TOP, left to right -- C. Rupp, C. Grieger , N . Olson, J. Smith, K. Br own. BOTTOM--L. Thomas, S. Pilger, W. Luce, P. Markstrom. Advisor--S. Johnson. F H A 87 Next >