< PreviousDANCE BAND FIRST ROW: M. Erving, K. Klotz, B. Fuglem, B. Fuglem, L Shafer. SECOND ROW: S. Johnson, R. Peterson, B. Walters, L. Witt, G. Ista, R. Carlton, L. Wilke. ST ANDING: L. Nordstrom, B. Walt ers, S. Williams. The Burnsville Band hosted the District Band Contest this year. The Band received more "A's" than any other band in our district. Those groups receiving "A's" were: The concert band, which played two of their favorites, Sym-phonic Suite" and Fanfare in Allegro" by Clifton Williams; the percussion ensemble, and the French Horn Quartet; the Brass Sextet and the Woodwind Quartet. Paul Williams received the highest rating of the contest. The band went on to the state contest in May where the concert band received an "A" rating. Much credit for this excellent band must be given to Mr. Ronning, its director. He has spent many long hours with the band to make it the quality band that it is. A superb director, such as Mr. Ronning is an essential part of a superb band. Practicing for a Concert The Happy Director The Pensiv e Director FIRST ROW : S. Ordemann, K. Porterfield, J. Malmin, J. Nordstrom, T. Collier, B. Cody, K. Hill, M. Onstad, S. Nelson. SECOND ROW: P. Boudreau, L. Leibel, P. Anderson, D. Ordemann, K. Klotz, B. Walters, P. Williams, B. Fuglem, K. Nelson, C. Grieger . THIRD ROW: M. Taylor, M. Kelleher, P. DeJarlis, C. Farnquist, L. Nordstrom, E. Eidsmo. FOURTH ROW: L. Swanson, T. Price, L. Wandersee, L. Stark, C. Terwilliger, F. Lahti, S. Miller, L. Shafer, L. Monson, B. Fuglem, M. Grodem, K. Hill, S. Boyle, B. Needham, M. Holmgren. OFFICERS AND ACCOMPANISTS STANDING: Sharon Nelson, Librarian ; Judy Malmin, president; Dennis Orde-mann, socia l director; Lois Monson, secretary; Barb Fuglem, librarian. SITTING: Marcia Taylor and Lyna Lou Nordstrom. C H 0 R u s G I R L s , s E X T E T T E II GIRLS' SEXTETTE: Lynn Shafer, Sue Miller, Charlene Terwilliger, Lyna Lou Nordstrom, Lois Monson, Barb Fuglem. The chorus participated in many activities this year. The first activity was the Christmas Concert that was held in conjunction with the band. Before Christmas they went caroling at St. Francis Hospital in Shakopee. After the Christmas activities were completed, they started preparing for the District Chorus Contest at which they won a "B." Lynn Shafer, Lyna Lou Nord-strom, and Sharon Ordemann received "A's" for the ir solos. On May 3, they presented their spring concert. On the weekend of May 10-12, the chorus hosted the Grand Forks Chorus when they came to Burnsville to present a concert. The last choral event was singing at graduation. B 0 r s , E N s E M B L E BOYS I ENSEMBLE: FRONT ROW, Dennis Ordemann, Jim Nordstrom, Bruce Cody. BACK ROW: Tom Collier, Kenny Klotz, Bob Walters, Paul Williams, 38 FIRST ROW: J. Maltby, K. Lovely, J. Lindstrom, K. Linkert, L. Bradford, N. Drentlaw, C. Linkert, J. Backman, T. Campbell , A. Engleson, G. Abbot, B. Allen, A. Carlson, G. Dusterhoft, S. Wells, S. Johnson, J. Skillings, G. McKinnon, K. Day, D. Anderson, S. Hill. SECOND ROW: V. Oxborough, S. Bailiff, V. Jenson, D. Bergman, N. Harris, K. Erickson, N. Kehren, L. Alsop, C. Berendt, G. Burggraff, B. Dellwo, T. Schlick, J. Brower, G. Otrembo, S. Johnson, C. Linkert, K. Bergh, S. Barnyard, M. Widder, J, Pomeroy, S. Johnson, B. Lowinski. THIRD ROW: S. Hassler, J. Connelly, M. Whalen , D. Seiffert, C. LaDue, C. Berendt, S. Korsrud, J. Gauger, E. Sherer, R. Nord-strom, R. Ryberg, S. Neuman, J. Wilkie, D. Bauker, T. Bjorgum, J. Smith, D. Hunt, P. Van Slooten, K. Brown, D. Huber, S. Erving, C. Fosse, D. Lutz. FOURTH ROW: P. Kaltenbraun, N. Leville, G. Benson, J. Befgthold, D. Campobasso, B. Vivant, L Jones, D. Erickson, J. Gligor, S. Schroeder, D. Johnson, J. Allshouse, S. Van Slooten, T. Gray, R. Thompson, D. Christopherson, K. Petersen, C. Fredrickson, A. Sperry, M. Taylor, R. Roehning, C. Iliff, K. Markuson, D. Fabel. THOSE CHORUS KIDS REALLY GET AROUND! 39 SEATED: Mr. Mraz, advisor; P. Bagge, K. Walberg, secretary; D. Ordemann, treasurer; P. Whalen, presi-dent; P. Williams, vice-president; C. Beebe, C. Vanslooten. STANDING: L. Nordstrom, P. Leitchman, S. Mastous, F. Lahti, P. Ryan, L. Beenken, D. Johnson, K. Hill, S. Williamson, B. Fuglem, B. Fuglem, S. Miller, L. Monson, A. Decandia, C. Sorenson, A. Connelly, A. Bourdeaux, K. Porterfield, N. Noyes. D R A M A T E E R s Although the Drama Club did not produce any plays this year, its members headed the stage, make-up, proper-ties, costumes, and publicity crews. Another service of the Club was furnishing ushers for the plays and the band and chorus concerts. Last year's main.project--organizing a systematic costume department--was completed this year when a filing system was devised. Other Drama Club activities included hosting the Regional One-Act Play Contest, attending CAMELOT at the St. Paul Auditorium, and holding their annual banquet in May. The Drama Club is now seeking admittance into the National Thespian Society. 40 A F s SEA TED : Mr. Melchoir, ad visor; B. Fuglem, vice-president; C. Hagerman, tre asurer; C. Terwilli-g er, se cret a ry ; C . Fab el, president. STANDING: P. Nord, S. Williams, A. Connolly, C. Va n Slooten, F. Lahti, L. Shafer, T. Wolfram, B. Fuglem, P. Whalen, P. Ryan. One of the most fa r-reaching organizations at Burnsville is the American Field Service Club. It affects not only the studen t body but the entire community. The Club and the community work to-gether to bring a student to the United States and to send a Burns-ville student abr oa d. To accomplish this goal, the A. F . S. Club sponsored a candy drive, a friendship bond drive and the "April Show er's Dance." This dance, which is an annual affair, wa s held on April 21. Claes-Goran Hagerman, our A .F .S. student this year, is from Sweden. An "A" student, Claes plans to become a chemist when he completes his education in Sweden. Al-though he is very studious, he found time to play basketball and to be on the track team. Since coming to Burnsville, Claes has been swamped with activities. After a par-ticularly busy day, Claes exclaimed th a t life in America goes on at a much faster pace than life in Sweden. 41 FIRST ROW: Mr. La Croix, advisor; Joe Helgestad, Ken Klotz, Karl Bohn, Jim Camp-bell, Mr. Pates, advisor. SECOND ROW: J. Bergman, M. Bohn, P. Williams, G. Lund-berg, E. Boyer, B. Tyler. THIRD ROW: J. White, B. Walters, J. Nordstrom, M. Dillion , D. Dwyer, J. Carlson. FOURTH ROW: M. Schwie, E. Klamm, D. Older, R. La Due, A. Robinson, J. Re. FIFTH ROW: S. Williamson, B. Smith, C. Benson, D. Ordemann, J. Carlson, G. Peterson. SIXTH ROW: B. Fosse, G. Linkert, R. Arsenhault, J. Dietz, L. Jones. SEVENTH ROW: D. Dwyer, G. Hitchcock, R. Benson, G. Gibbish, D. Turnquist, T. Dalrymple. L E T T E R M E N B R A LEFT TO RIGHT: D. Anderson, M. Lovely, J. Older, S. Burch, J. Porterfield, K. Burch, J. Ladlie, T. Price, M. Grodem, C. Van Slooten, L. Ludwig, D. Johnson , J. Roberts, N. Noyes, D. Johnson, S. Truso, L. Swain, S. Maxwell, G. McMillian, A. DeCandia, D. Reed, M. Snobeck, S. Knebel. V E T T E s FIRST ROW: D. Johnson, M. Pond, M. Boudreau, secretary-treasurer; C. Johanson, P. Leitchman, president; J. Older, S. Burch, vice-president; S. Nelson, F. Lahti, B. Fuglem. SECOND ROW: L. Swanson, B. Bradford, R. Mueller, P. Fredrickson, B. Fuglem, D. Johnson, S. Miller, L. Nordstrom, K. Hill, S. Denzer. THIRD ROW: J. Roberts, D. Timm, S. Willi a ms, C. Van Slooten, L. Shafer, N. Johansen, L. Monson, K. Burch, D. Reed, K. Nel-son, C. Stark. FOURTI-I ROW: J . Van Engen, F. Visnovec, M. Kelleher, A. Connelly, C. Beebe, S. Lowinski, L. Ludwig, C. Campbell, D. Harkins, C. Rupp, M. Homo. FIFTH ROW: S. Qualley, S. Mahoney, C. Mahoney, S. Vivant, S, Sta rk, D. Dochen, M. Snell, K. Bachman, C. Shaw, L. Stark, C. Witta, J . Mariette. SIXTH ROW: K. Boyer, R . Schiender, J. Portfield, L. Bagge, S. Olson, A. Melom, K. Beebe, L. Leibel, P. Boudreau, T. Price. SEVENTH ROW: Mrs. Leider, advisor; M. Klot z, D. Luce, M. Weber, L. Rockow, S. Pilger, N. Boeke, N. Melom, E. Dannecker. FIRST ROW: B. Low inski, C. Fredrickson, K. Petersen, president; P. Van Slooten, B. Vivan t , secretary. SECOND ROW: C. Fosse, C. Erving, K. Brown, J. Smith, D. Anderson, S. Hill, S. Hasseler. THIRD ROW: J. Snell, B. Carlson, J. Fahlstrom , C. Ladue, G. Christianson, B. Anderson, D. Hunt. FOURTH ROW: S. Skipton , J. Connolly, S. Gauger, R. Roehning, W. Luce. FIFTH ROW : -;J. Pomery, N. Leville, K. Markuson, D. Fabel, D. Iliff, M. Widder. SIXTH ROW: L. Olson, T. Frolund, G. McKinnon, B. Kaul, L. Maxwell, P, Kaltenbraun, G A A C H E E R L E A D E R s Near the end of July, 1962, the cheerleaders, along with their advisor Mrs. Leider, started practicing for the opening foot-ball game. During the football season, they added black fuzzy ear muffs and black knit mittens to their uniforms. They also had black megaphones with B-R-A-V -E-S written on them in gold. Between the football and basketball seasons, the cheerleaders made up new motions for the school song, changed the end of the song, and made new porn-porns. About half-way through basketball sea-son, they changed the pepfests to noon hour, increasing the enthu-siasm of the student body. This year the Burnsville cheerleaders sponsored the All Conference Cheer leading Clinic. RAH! TOP TO BOTTOM: Barb Fairclough, captain; Sue Miller, Christy Camp-bell, Nancy Johansen, Gail LWldberg. LEFT to RIGHT:• Judy Mariette, Sharon Denser, Mary Klotz, Karen Boyer, Eileen Dannecker. Paulette Boudreau doing a face vault. Demonstrating pyramids and splits are Karyn Markuson, Nina Melom, Rita Mueller, Cindy Fredrickson, Wendy Luce, Donnell Narveson, and Sue Skipton. T u M B L I N G Exhibiting back-angel balances are Margaret Boudreau and Pam Kaultenbraun, Carol Johansen and Karyn Markuson, and Karen Boyer and Joanne Connolly. 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