< PreviousF H A FIRST ROW: Miss Reuland, advisor; C. Sorenson, pre .sident; L. Ludwig, L. Thomas, vice-president; S. Pilger, sec~etary; F. Visnovec, treasurer; P. Markstrom, J. Allen. SECOND ROW: C. Erving, J. Connolly, K. Lovely, W. Luce, S. Barnard, G. Benson, M. Whalen, V. Jensen, S. Hasseler, J. Gauger. THIRD ROW: D. Harkins, L. Jones, P. Terwilliger, R. Roehning, C. Rupp, N. Olson, D. Campo-basso, B. Vivant, C. LaDue, K. Brown. The Future Homemakers of America Club was formed this year by Miss Reu-land. This organization was formally started on November 20, when an ini-tiation ceremony was held. In the early part of December, the girls had a bake sale to pay for materials for making Chr i stmas stockings. They filled these stockings with candy and brought them to a cancer hospital in St. Paul. The last event of the year was a good grooming talk conducted by a former Miss Minnesota. Another club which was started this year is the Audio-Visual Club. This club, formed by its advisor Mr. Gilbertson, runs and maintains all audio-visual equipment in the school district. An additional service performed by this club was playing records at the noon-hour dances. FIRST ROW: J. Ackerman, D. Carlton, R. Germain, M. Anderson. SECOND ROW: S. Grovender, R. Jackson, J. Jackson, C. Foster, president; J. Kopp, M. Schwie, J. Allshouse. THIRD ROW: T. Collier, Mr. Gilbertson, advisor; B. Ftiglem, vice-president; D. Whalen, secretary; M. Wilson. A u D I 0 V I s u A L A C T I V I T I E s Here King Jim and Queen Gail stand after being crowned Homecoming King and Queen at the Coronation Ceremony. H 0 M E C 0 M I N G Only a few minutes were left before the king can-didates would find out who would be king. The candidates are from left to right, Jim Campbell, Karl Bohn, Ken Klotz, Paul Williams and Bob Walters. The queen candidates awaited the .crowning with mounting anticipation. They are from left to right, Sue Smith, Nancy Noyce, Kathy Peters, Gail Lund-berg and Barb Fairclough. Although Queen Gail expressed surprise when she was crowned by Mr. Pates, King Jim showed no emotion at all. 48 The Homecoming Coronation was the night before Homecoming. Everyone's attention was focused on the stage where five senior boys and five senior girls stood for the final selection. A few speeches were made as the candidates waited for the crowning. Then the big moment finally arrived. Mr. Pates crowned Queen Gail and King Jim. Although the others were sad that they weren't chosen, but they were happy be-cause it WAS two of their best friends. Thursday night after the Coronation, all the students went out to the bon-fire and cheered on the team with the help of the cheerleaders. The Junior Class was the only one which made a float this year. Here it is circling the field during half-time. Mr. La Croix, the Homecoming speaker, livened up the crowd with a few jokes. PROGRAM Welcom e . . . Dennis Turnquist (Master of Ceremonies) Speaker Speaker Cl a ss Will Class Prophecy John Metcalf Pat Connelly Kenneth Lacroix . Nancy Johansen Farewell ....... Kenneth Klotz BANQUET 1963 PROM 1963 ROMAN GARDENS Prom Committee Co-Chairmen . Lyna Lou Nordstrom Arlene DeCandia Banquet Chairman .... Craig Fabel Band Chairman .. Arlene DeCandia Decoration Chairman. . . . Charlene Terwilliger Grand March Chairman .. Suzanne Petersen Movie Chairman .. Nancy Johansen Refreshment Chairman . . Sue Miller H 0 N 0 R A s s E M B L r The following senior s received plaques for averages of 90 or above during their three years in high school. Claes Hagerman, John Sautner, Dennis Billin gs, Steve Williamson, Ken Klot z, Jim Campbell, Monte Mossong, Kathy Peters, Pauline Bagge. The PTA Scholarships were presented to John Sautner and Jim Campbell by Mr. Brunett, presi-dent of the PT A. The annual Honor Assembly was held May 24, 1963, with Mr. Ronald Goedken as master of ceremonies . Every year awards are g iven to out-standing students for their achievement both in class work and in extracurricular activities. Dennis Ordemann received the Bausch & Lomb award from Mr. Goedken. Mr . Goedken awarded the science awards to these students: Karyn Markuson, Dale Bennett, Pete Nord, Craig Foster, Dick Germain, Nina Melom, Sally Williams, Cynthia Van Slooten, Lou Leihbrand, Dennis Ordemann. Jim Campbell, president of the Student Council, present e d Trudy Wolfram with the Student Council Scholarship. The forei gn language awards, presented by Mr. La Croix, went to Steve Williamson, Thomas Iliff, Nancy Johans e n, Dick Germain, Pat Whalen and Judy Marietta. Each year an award is presented t o the boy and girl who did the most behind the scenes. This year the awards went to Pauline Bagge and Paul Williams. Faye lahti and Paul Williams were named actre ss and actor of the year. Ten students received the English awards presented by Miss Ronzani. For excellence in math ten students were awarded mathematics awards by Mr. Hanson. G R A D u A T I 0 N Father Dudley opened the Commencement Exercises for the Class of 1963. Trudy Wolfram, co-salutatorian, presented her address. Pat Whalen, valedictor i an, reminded us that this was truly a commencement and not a gradua-tion. Commencement Exercises for the Class of 1963 were held Wednesday, May 29, at 8 :00 p. m. Forty-eight seniors were graduated of which thirteen were honor graduates. The class flower was the white rose; class colors were blue and gold; and the class motto was "With Us March Our Ideals." 54 Dennis Ordemann, co-sal utatorian, expressed the Class's thanks to their parents and teachers. • The Commencement speaker was Mr. Ralph G. Iverson who spoke on "How much . . . ? 11 Steve Williamson received one of the citizensh ip awards from Mr. Pomije. Nancy Noyce accepts her award from Mr. Pomije. One citizenship award was received by Jim Campbell in the "Campbell tradition. 11 Mr. Pat Cop.nelly and Superintendent Metcalf presented the seniors with their diplomas. 55 Next >