< Previous"Viar11 of /tHHC 1raHk J) ;National _Honor Society The National Honor Society was established this year by the Student Council under the leadership of Miss Gallery. Membership in the society is the highest honor a student of this school can attain. Members must maintain a high scholastic average and possess the qualities of good character, leader-ship, and service. TOP : Sen ior s Bill Boudreau , Lee Ne pil, Loren Kylie, Carlene Widmer. BOTTOM: Junior s Dennis Ordemann, Pat Whalen, Dennis Billings, Jim Campbell, Trudy Wolfram. J/(J1t1et(J1t1ing 1962 . FRONT ROW: David Lundberg , King Larr y Bagge, Queen Sue Mattson, Sally Smith. BACK ROW: John Campbell, Loren Kyllo, Mike Dietz, Stan Wag-ner, Myrna Paukner, Donna Julian, Sandee White, Diane Engleson. GAME CORONATION PARADE The struggle to really pay at-tention in class ... the fran-tic hammering to get the floats finished in time ... the sus-pense just before the crowns are placed on the king and queen . . • the excitement of the game ... the cheering of our team until our voices went hoarse ... the gym transformed into a vision of "Autumn Leaves" .•. QUEEN LAURA KING DANNY Sadie J(awki11s :Dance Sweetheart Swirl John Christoffel, Diane Engleson, Joe Carlson, Jud y Malmin, Dick O'Brien, Mar ga ret Boudreau, Dennis Turnquist, Mary Wilson. KING QUEEN DICK MARGARET Prom YaHqttet Prom was the most anticipated and prepared for event of Spring. It began Thursday eve-ning with the Junior-Senior Banquet at the Kon-Tiki Club. The mood for the Prom Theme of El Noche de Amor was set by the reading of the class prophecy which revealed the accounts of a Mexican tour by the class of '63. The dance Saturday night, the prod-uct of hours of Junior labor, was the high-light of "the big week end. " 81 JVoclte Z)e Amor Valedictorian Carlene Widmer Commencement Speaker Mr. James Daly Salutatorian Loren Kyllo (lrad11afi(J1t "Yours is the whole majestic universe, and if you have the courage and the moral dedication, yours will be a, shin-ing future ... " Citizenship Award JOHN CAMPBELL . To an outstanding degree he has exhibited perseverance, kindness, leadership, and hu -mility • • • Citizenship Award KATHLEEN DOEBEL . She definitely has led a schoo l life in the spirit of this American Legion Award - for God and country • . . Bausch and Lomb Award - - - - - - - - - - BILL BOUDREAU Student Council Scholarship - - - - - - - - BILL BOUDREAU PTA Scholarship - - - - - - - - - - - - - CARLENE WIDMER Next >