< PreviousFRONT ROW, left to right: Joanne Connelly, Kathy Peterson, Susan Johnson, Carolyn Fosse, Janet Gauger, Janet Hauer, Barbara Farnquist. SECOND ROW: Glenda Scholta, Craig Vossen, Steven Aune, Mark Windmiller, Gary Smalkoski, John McElwain, Stanley Schroeder, Gary Standly. THIRD ROW: John Cadwell, Douglas Bohn, Gerald Skarupa, David Peterson, Mike Koempel, Milton Peter-son, Dallas Rynning, Bonnie Anderson, Rebecca Carlson. Seveutlt (jrade FRONT ROW, left to right: Celia LaDue, Elizabeth Sherer, Julie Gligor, Su-zanne Guimont, Sandra Bailiff, Charlotte Linkert, Judy Snell. SECOND ROW: Richard Soash, Douglas Kammeier, Dan Brunett, Tom Conroy, Mike Swain, Gary Sheppard, Steve Eide. THIRD ROW: Mike Docken, David Boudrea u, Lou Leihbrand, Richard Milius, Tom Mize, Tim Gray, Bruce Johnson, Steve Van Slooten, Jim Michaelson, Jim Sinderman. CTIV ITI ES Student e(Jt11tcil SEATED: J. Campbell, vice-president; J. Campbell, president; S. Mattson, secretary; Mr. Welckle, advisor. STANDING: G. Lally, K. Burch, C . Terwilliger, A. Robinson, K. Klotz, C. Widmer, K. Peters, J. Malmin. The Student Council functions as a bridge between students and faculty, tries to develop qualities of leadership and helps solve problems that arise in the school. The Student Council this year proposed a National Honor Society for Burnsville, published two issues of BURNSVIEWS and organized a clean -up campaign. SEATED: D. Hunt, treasurer; T. Collier, vice-president; Mi ss Clarkson, advisor. STANDING: K. Brown, J. Snell, P. Nelson, J. Lauer, D. Brunet, D. Amundson, C. Mott. FRONT ROW: B. Fuglem , P. Whalen, L. Shafer, F. Lahti, C. Widm er, L. Nordstrom, P. Leitchman, K. Peters, C. Terwilliger, N. Noyes, B. Fuglem. BACK ROW: Mr. LaCroix, ad-visor, P. Nord, J. Campbell, J. Campbell, C. Fabel, N. Johansen, T. Wolfram. AlS The aim of the A. F. S. program is to promote friend ship between all coun -trie s by sending teenage representatives to learn about the culture and customs of the va riou s countries. The Burnsville A. F. S. Chapter's goal this year was to send a Burnsville stu-dent abroad for th e summer of 1962 and to brin g a foreign student to Burnsville for the 1962-63 school year. In order to attain this goa l, a Spaghetti Dinner, three Friendship Bond drives, a Varsity-Alumni basketball game, and a "Dance Internationale" were held. JOHN CHRISTOFFEL Left to right: c. Berge, R. Terwilliger. Cody, T. collier, c. Left to right: S. Williams, J. Bergman, J. Campbell, P. Williams, R. Fuglem. Th e aim of the band is to e n -courage appreciation of good music as well as particip at ion in the creating of thi s music by joining efforts to produce a harmoniou s effe ct from man y different instruments. The ba nd this year won an "A" rating at the State Music Contest. Other main acti viti es included participation in the Missota Conferenc e Band F es ti -val and exchange concerts . a It d C. Fosse , C. Bee be, L. Hickman, L. Shafer, R. Ryb erg. M. Ostlund P. Ryan, M'. B, Fu glern, Irvin g. D. Gelvick, L. Kyllo, R. Richardson, S. Huset, J. Williamson, R. Walters, R. Peterson. G. Ista. R. Carlton, _ F. Visnovec, L. Witt, T. Henderson, V. Roe, L. Wilkie. FRONT ROW: B. Lowinski, K. Brown, S. Irvin g, A. Connelly. BACK: A. Lee, K. Aflen, K. Klotz, M. Wilson, J. Campbell, B. Fuglem. FRONT ROW, 1 tor: S. Ordemann; M. Taylor; B. Fairclough; L. Nords trom; P. Egan, J. Hu-ber; P. Whalen; J. Lang; S. Nelson . SECOND ROW: S. Olson; M. Kelleher; P. Nelson; K. Hill; B. Fuglem; K. Nelson; C. Rickers; N. Popehn; C. Farnquist; S. Knebel; C. Campbell; C. Stark; S. Mattson. THIRD ROW: B. Fuglem; S. Miller; F .. Lahti; K. Peters; J. Malmin, sec. -treas.; L. Shafer; C. Terwilliger; J. Tauzell; J. Wall; K. Gelvick; N. Noyes; S. Kottom, vice-pres.; N. Johansen; K. Doebel; M. Paukner; M. Snobeck; G. Lundberg. FOURTH ROW: P. Bagge; P. Leitchman; S. Noyes; D. Ordemann; J. Campbell, pres.; D. Leckliter; B. Walters; K. Klotz, librarian; L. Kyllo; G. Lally; Mrs. Buchan, advisor. eltorus The chorus fosters an appreciation for good music \vhich they per-form in part singing for school and community functions. Major performances included participation in the Conference Vocal Festival at Lakeville and the District Contest at Simley where they won a "B" rating. STANDING: B. Fuglem, J. Mal-min, C . Terwilliger, L. Shafer, B. Fuglem. AT PIANO: L. Nordstrom . FRONT ROW, 1 tor: J. Lang; M. Paukner; P. Leitchman; J. Wall; C. Widmer, president; G. Huset; P. Whalen, secretary; B. Fuglem; P. Bagge; S. Noyes. SECOND ROW: D. Julian, K. Gelvick; N. Johanson; L. Shafer; C. Terwilliger; J. Malmin; K, Peters; N. Noyes; J. Huber; K. Doebel; S. Kottom; T. Wolfram; A. Lee. THIRD ROW: S. Smith; B. Fuglem; L. Nord-strom; J. Colgan; F. Lahti; N. Popehn; K. Hill; C. Rickers; G. Lally; L. Stafford; S. William-son; D. Ordemann, treasurer; D. Older, vice-president; A. Bourdeaux; S. Mattson; G. Lund-berg; J. Tauzell; Mr. Mraz, advisor. :D ramateers The purpose of the Dramateers is the ad-vancement of standards of excellence in dramatic arts. The main project of the club, which was formed this year, was organizing a system-atic Costume Department. ({Vou ean't ~ake Jt Witlt Vou'~ Penny - - - - - Sharon Kottom Essie - - - - - -Nancy Noyes Rheba - - - - - - -Jud y Wall Paul - - - - - - -Doug Older DePinna - - Dennis Ordem an n Ed - - - - - - - - - Ken Klotz Donald - - - - - - Bob Walters Grandpa - - - -Bill Boudreau Alice - - - - -Gail Lundberg Henderson - Steve Williamson Tony - - - - - John Campbell Boris - - - - - - -Lanny Witt Gay - - - - - - - - Mary Dom Mr. Kirby - - - Ray Bourdeaux Mrs. Kirby - - -Donna Julian Detecti ves - - - Paul Williams Stan Wagner Olga - - - - - - Kathy Doebel Student Director -Myrna Paukner Next >