< PreviousFRONT ROW: K. Klotz, G. Peterson, D. Ordemann, M. Bohn, B. Smith, M. Dietz, P. Wil-liams, G. Lundb erg. SECOND ROW: C. Benson, G. Boyer, J. Campbell, L. Bagge, L. Kyllo, J. Campbell, J. Bergman, J. Dietz, J. Kopp. THIRD ROW: Mr. Pates, G. Gibbish, R. La-Due, J. Williamson, T. Pelinka, S. Williamson, L. Jon es, C. Drentlaw, D. Turnquist, J. Christoffel, B. Fosse. FOURTH ROW: E. Klamm, J. Carlson, G. Linkert, T. Dalrymple, J. Carlson, A. Robinson, T. Ahlquist, L. Witt, R. Arsenhault, D. Benson, J. La Due, D. Dwyer, Mr. Hanson. loot/Jal/ Ca-captains Loren Kyllo and John Campbell check uniforms with Mr. Pates. Superintendent John Met -calf presents Loren Kyllo with the All-American Football Award while Mr. Pates looks on approvingly . OPPONENT Eden Prairie St. Agnes Prior Lake Rosemount Farmington Simley Lakeville FOOTBALL SCORES WE THEY 25 0 12 0 2 25 0 26 20 13 19 0 14 20 OPPONENT Eden Prairie Prior Lake Rosemount FRONT: Mr. Pates, J. Campbell, L. Ky1lo, Mr. LaCroix. BACK: G. Hitch-ock, J. Campbell, K. Klotz, S. Williamson, B. Walters, D. Rodenberg, J. Williamson, J. Bergman. BASKETBALL SCORES WE THEY WE THEY (~ JJ 57 34 41 82 43 51 37 48 39 40 Jg a s k St. Paul Murray 43 47 s e Farmington 31 32 40 Breck 43 48 Simley 41 40 51 Lakeville 43 82 31 Wilson 31 52 Alumni 32 41 59 41 64 " t u a b d a I I Mr. Pat es , Co-captains John Campbel and Loren Kyllo. Co-captain JIM NORDSTROM FRONT ROW: T. Car ey , A. Robinson, B. Wildenger, M . Sch wie, J. Nordstrom, J. Bergman, R. Dwyer. BACK ROW: M. Bohn, C. Fabel, G. Peterson, L. Jon es, T. Ahlquist, D. O' Brien , R. Arsenhault, Mr. La Cro ix, coach. Coach MR. LA CROIX ''B" Squad . "6" Squad Co-captain JOHN BERGMAN FRONT ROW: C. Frank-hauser, R. Lewnau, M. Danielson, S. Johnson, M. Silberg, B. Cody, S. Smith, R. Visnovec, s. Olson, D. Dwyer. BACK ROW: S. Sperry, T, Col-lier, D. Gelvick, D. Bru-net, J. Christoffel, T. Gray, R. Jackson, Mr. Eppen, S. Fahlstrom . FRONT ROW, 1 tor: R. Dwyer, M. Bohn, B. Boudreau, L. Kyllo, J. Helgestad, J. Campbell. SECOND ROW: B. Mott, J. Nordstrom, J. Bergman, P. Nord, D. Older, J. Campbell, M. Schwie. THIRD ROW: Mr. La Croix, R. Brown, K. Klotz, L. Witt, G. Pete rson, S. Stoudt, J. Singwald, B. Kottom, Mr. Stemmer. Rase/Jal! BASEBALL SCORES OPPONENT WE Prior Lake 1 Rosemount 6 Farmington 10 Simley 13 Lakeville 12 Red Wing 2 Left to right: Coach La Croix and co-captains Lo-ren Kyllo and John Camp-bell. THEY 2 3 1 0 8 3 WE THEY 6 7 5 6 9 4 8 1 2 10 rrack FRONT ROW: C. Fabel, J. White, A. Robinson, B. Wildanger, S. Huser, D. Brunet, S. Wil-liamson, L. Jon es , S. Smith. BACK ROW: Mr. Leider, T. Dalrymple, G. Linkert, R. Arsen -hau lt, K. Bohn, L. Bagge, D. Benson, T. Ahlquist, M. Schwie, J. Christoffel, L. Kyllo. ,Cetter111enJs etub FRONT ROW: H. Pichner, G. Lundber g, K. Klotz, K. Bohn, M. Bohn, J. Campbell, M. Dietz. SECOND ROW: D. Or-demann, B. Walters, J. Christoffel , B. Smith, L. Kyllo, G. Peterson, J. Kopp. THIRD ROW: Mr. LaCroix, C. Benson, T." Pelink a , J. Campbell, C. Drentlaw, J. Williamson, J. Dietz, s. Williamson, Mr. Pates. rumblifl{J The tumbling team, organized th is ye ar under the dir e ct i on of Mrs. Leider, in -eludes nine girls who performed their feats at basketball games and at a P. T.A. program. KNEELING: Nancy Johansen, Glynn Hu-set, Sharlee Burch, Christy Campbell, Kathy Burch. DIVING: Sue Miller. NOT PICTURED: Mary Wilson, Carole Johansen, Karen Boyer. "B" SQUAD Barb Fuglem, Sue Miller, Christy Campbell, Nancy Johansen, Bev Fuglem. elteerleaders "A" SQUAD Sharon Kottom Judy Malmin Carlene Widmer Myrna Paukner Gail Lundberg Barb Fairclough FRONT ROW: B. Fuglem, S. Mill e r, C. Campbell, P. Leitchman, pr esi dent, S. Burch , vice -pr esi d ent, M . Boudr eau , secre t ary- tr easurer , C. Widmer, S. Kottom, B. Fairclough. SECO ND ROW: S. Ne l son, S. Lowinske, C. Van Slooten , D. John son , C. Beebee , B. Fuglem, N. Joha nsen , J. Malmin, G. Lundb erg , L. Shafer, C. Ter wi l -liger, P . Bagge. THIRD ROW: K. Burch, G. Huset, L. Nordstrom, S. Williams, A . Connolly, P . Egan, M . Ke ll eher, S. John son , M . Taylor, S. Pilger, S. Ordemann, C. Farnquist. FOURTH ROW: K. Poole , S. Maxwell, S . Olsen, J. Steinme tz, J. Van Engen, F. V i snovec, P. Ne lson, M . Pon d, M. Klotz, K. Boyer, C. Sta rk, K. Nelson, M . Gerhart. FIFTH ROW: L. Swai n, S . Peterson, S. Boudreau, L. Bagge, B. Brad-ford, D. Timm, N. Popehn, K. Hill, C. Rickers , J. Colgan, J. Ash ton. SIXTH ROW: Mrs . Lei de r, M. Snobeck, M. Sc hulberg, S. Knebel, L. Leckliter, J. Crasper, J. F arn q uist , K . Skarupa , B. Bric k, N. Olson, H. Bartholomew, J. Sharpsteen. FRONT ROW: J. Sm ith, C . Erving , C. Fosse , K. Peterson, 7th grade rep . , J. Roberts, 8th grade rep., P . Boudr eau , pres id e nt, D. Hunt, L. Henders on, J. Connelly. SECOND ROW: S. Johnson, J. Gauger, A. Sp e rry, D. Erick son, B. Anderso n, J. Snell, R. Carlson, C. LaD ue, J. Marie tta, J. O ld er . THIRD ROW: K. Lindstrom, S . Denzer, D. Nelson, L. Maxwell, D. Arvidso n, D. Oxbo-rough, T . Kaul, J. St . Marti n, P. Anders on , K. Kelly, P. Billings. FOURTH ROW: P. Ter williger, L. Ludwig, C. Beebee, K . Hill, J. Henderson, S . St ark , L. Swanson, S . Mahoney, M . Kepner, L. Leibel. FIFTH ROW: K. Mahone y , K. Pau l son, B. Needham , C . Shaw, M. Snell, J. Marietta, D . Docken, K. Kell y ,. J. Ben son , S . Vi vant. SIXTH ROW: J. La ue r, R. Sch ne i de r, K. Iri sh, E. Gra y , s. Ca rl son , J. Allen , C . Be rge , S . Boyle , M. Grodem . SEVENTH ROW: N . Harr is, K. Brown , J. Vaillencourt, C . Rupp, L. McCau l e y, M. Weber . Scltool 8111plo11ees D. Studer and P. McElwain S. Brown A. Nord, B. Swain, P. Schmidt, E. Peters. H. Weber, R.N. FRONT ROW: J. Mach, R. Dittman, O. Connelly. SECOND ROW: L. Allen, M. Storlie, R. Robinson. THIRD ROW: J. Ty-ler, R. Wayne, W. Limpert, B. Henry. We've Jlad Jt . ... ;Now Vou've Jot Jt! TOP: D. Leckliter, photography; J. Reed, art; S. Kottom, co-editor; B. Boudreau, photogra-phy. BOTTOM: T. Wolfram, copy; P. Whalen, copy; S. Mattson, co-editor; N. Noyes, sales. Rravado Staff FRONT ROW: B. Fairclough, L. Nepil, J. Wall, J. Malmin, P. Bagg e , G. McMillian. BACK ROW: K. Doebel, S. Noyes, C. Lucius, T. Pelin ka, G. Huber, M. Paukner, C. Benson. Next >