< Previous46 "We say . Burnsville, you say Braves . .. '' With so much spiril in the school body this year, the cheerleaders job wasn't quite so tough. Rain or shine, snow or sleet, the cheer-leaders were there keeping the enthusiasm up whether it was at a football game, wrestling match or swim meet. The girls started their year early in the summer with a fund raising car wash. The money they earned was spent on small gifts that would fire up the players before the games. When the school year finally opened, the girls were look-ing forward to cheering. They combined new uniforms and a new advisor, Shirley Ann Braun, to form a new spirit in cheering. Except for these two things, every-thing was the same: the enthusi-asm was evident, pre-game din-ners were eaten with the girls hav-ing to squeeze back into thei r uni-forms afterwards, and secret sis gifts were still opened with the cur iosity of "Who's got me?" There were two squads to th is year's group. Varsity, which con-sisted of 30 sen:ior and junior girls, and 8-squad, made up of 13 sophomores. They cheered for football, soccer, and girls swim-ming during the fall season, and in the winter, split into smaller groups which cheered for basket-ball, hockey, boys swimming, and wrestling. Both squads practiced many hours a week throughout the year and were always rewarded with a supportive and energetic crowd that would make anyone proud to be a part of BHS! Top left: Varsity squad -Bottom Pahl, G. Frechette, J. Claussen, L. row: C. Anderson, F. Cosgrove, P. Griska, 8 . Covington, M. Keeler, R. Nord Ii, S. Berra, S. Brangenberg, K. Morgan. Top right: Tami Garcia shows Noll, K. Hart, L. Seifert, P. Hansen, J. her school spirit. Bottom right: Sopho-Hagen. Middle: L. Hautman, H. Haut-more, Mary Doyle, leads in a cheer. man, L. Ingalls, J. Palmquist, J. Bilse, J. Johnson, L. Johnson, D. Wayda, L. Johnson. Back: K. McPherson, C. Ces-sario, D. Erickson, R. Ness, D. Smith, K. Rabusch, J. Fulkerson, K. Patrick, J. Beaudette. Bottom left: Lisa John -son and Joan Beaudette like what they see at one of Burnsville's soccer games . Bottom right: 8 -squader, Missy Ockleman cheers for the mfut men. Top middle: 8-Squad -Bottom: M. Doyle, J. Holden, D. Schneider, A. Noldin, M. Ockleman, S. Happe, L. 47 48 • Top: Varsity cheerlea9ers take a time-out to say "hi". Middle left: "Who we gonna· yell for," ask the girls. Middle right: Graduating seniors of '79: C. Anderson, S. Berra, J. Bilse, S. Brangenberg, F. Cosgrove, J. Johnson, L. Johnson, K. McPherson, R. Ness, P. Nordli, J. Palmquist, K. Rabusch, Deb Smith. Bottom: Advisor, S. Braun . Our leaders You hated attendance restrictions but did you know who to gripe to? You elected a president and cabi-net in the spring and representa-tives in the fall but did you know what they did? Everyone was invited to Student Union meetings but were you there? Increasing numbers of students are answer-ing "Yes!" 11The Student Council was more active this year than in many years," observed advisor Richard Barbeau. Attendance was 100% at most meetings which produced efficient planning for Homecom-ing and Snow Week activities and Armful of Love collections· at Christmas. The Student Council also sponsored students finan-cially in various activities and rep-resented students on the Princi-pal's Advisory Board and Policy Review Committees. Our strongest voice in the com-munity was Pam Willman, the stu-dent advisor to the School Board. "My position is in its infancy," remarked Pam. 111 hope that with time, student interest will grow and the responsibility will be used to its full potential." Pam spent many hours researching and pre-paring for meetings. She held several sessions after school in which she listened to and informed students. She also attended Student Council meet-ings to hear their recommenda-tions. Randy Cirksena summed up the feelings of Council mem-bers, 11We feel lucky to be on Stu-dent Council. We hope the stu-dents feel the same way." Top: Pam Willman, advisor for School Board. Middle: Student Council mem-bers Front Row: Doug Knutson, Vice President, Wendy Melin Soph. Rep., Cor-rine Cesario Jr. Rep., Peggy Tharp Soph. Rep., Jim Banke Jr. Rep. Back Row: Angie Johnson Sr. Rep., Joe Reger Sr. Rep., Sue Brangenberg Sr. Rep.,-Randy Cirksena President, Carlos Cabana Jr. Rep., Richard Barbeau, Advisor. Bottom: President Randy Cirksena in action. 49 • ----------------------/,,... ____________________________ ,.., 50 Top of the class National Honor Society has a rep-utation of being stuffy and dull. The members this year tried to change that image. They were involved in a sl idinQ party, an informal dance, and also aided the handicapped in a swimming program. Society members were . chosen on the basis of their schol-arship, character, service, and leadership. They also were in the top 10% of their class. Induction was held last spring, and Pete Sta-thopdlus · was elected president, Laurie Sjoquist vice president, and Kris Haugen, $ecretary-trea-surer. Advisor Ms. Mary Ronzoni com- . mented, "The .kids were really involved this year. I'm looking for-ward to doing more service rela-ted activities next year." National Honor Society members: K . Haugen, N . Retsinas, S. Senert. Second Row: M. Block, K. Gerhing, M. Sass, D. Covart, C. Halling, M. Wilson, S. Ernst, S. Niemann, S. Anderson . Third Row : L. Brantly, M. Steltzner, R. Olson, K. Hom, J. Albrecht, N. Spindler, R. Holzhacke r, C. Dennis, P. Stathopolus. Fourth Row: M. 'f:/right, S. Brangenberg, P. Hill, R. McColl, T. Cowdery, J . Bolland . Lower Left: P. · Stathopolus, pre sident and K. Haugen, secretary-treasurer. Lower Right: Advisor Ms. Ronzani. We've got spirit "We had exciting times in Pep Club this year," said advisor Mr. Tonra. With a much larger group than last year, Pep Club was quite busy providing activities through- · out the year for the student body. They held two meetings per week, spending many hours planning to insure success in their events . This year, the group sponsored one major activity per month, in· addition to making posters to boost school spirit. These activi-ties included the Sadie Hawkins dance, a winter hay/sleigh ride and the traditional Valegrams . The year was quite successful for a new and spirited Pep Club . Top: The 1978 -79 Pep Club . Bottom Left: Spiri ted members make posters for Sadie Hawkins dance. Bottom Right: Advisor, R. Tonra. 5 1 52 Buenas dias . Bonjour. • ! Guten tag. • Everyday, people all over the world greet each other in many different languages. Here at BHS, those interested in these languages and their cultures joined one of the three Foreign Language Clubs. They met twice a month and planned activities which brought them more knowledge about France, Germany, and Spain. Some activities included: going to French, German, and Spanish restaurants, seeing foreign films, and preparing tradi-tional meals from the specific country they were exploring. Sometimes the clubs would join forces and plan an inter-nationa I affair as all three organizations combined the best of their country's food and culture and shared it with one another. All three groups raised money by selling concessions at Burnsville Braves sporting events. All in all, the new experiences. that each group received ' throughout ,the year proved to be more than satisfying to all three Foreign _ Language Clubs. Top left: Clockwise -J. Gebert, P. Thiele, S. D' Agostino, S. Johnson, D. Harms, M. Vig, B. Hoback, D. Gunderson . Top right: German .Club displays one of their many _projects, hand puppets. Bottom left: Spanish Club advisor, Sue Johnson, discusses things with president, Beth Hoback. Bottom · middle: German Club -Front: K. Zook, J. Talbert, T. Nguyen. Back: Advisor, K. Cooper, D. Taurer, T. Asche ,' J . Grundstrom . Bottom right: French Club smiles and ... voila, here they are! Front: K. Hyt-tinen, M. Wright (president). Back: D. Green, K. Mittelstady, J. John-ston, J. Cowdery, and M. Ott. • • I 53 54 Whoosh 'n shoosh UPPER LEFT: Margret Byers thinks about being cold. UPPER RIGHT: .Craig Doeden ·attempts a jump. LOWER CEN-TER: Will she make it to the top? MIDDLE RIGHT: Skiers abandon their skis for the indoors. LOWER RIGHT: The new quad-chairlift. • The record-breaking cold winter kept many Minnesotans indoors this year but the BHS Ski Club members weren't swayed by the sub-zero temperatures. Wednes-days were the designated ski days and Buck Hill welcomed the club by offering five one-hour les-sons. For some, the lessons were a lot of work but there was always fun to follow. Highlighting t he ski season was a trip during energy break to Colorado where the club skied at Vail and the Summit. For eighty students and their chaper-ones the week from February 17 t~ the 2:4 was seven days filled with excitement and new experi-ences. Being a part of an organization means. • • Hanging on for dear life! Opening your mouth, but no words come out. " There's no business like show business!" Putting up with the Gerlachian way. Next >