< PreviousSENIOR HIGH STANDING: K. LaCroix, M. Weidman, C. Rogers, J. McCoy SITTI NG: S. Everson, H. Wellner, J. Kelly ENGLISH AND LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Now when I was your age . JUNIOR HIGH ST ANDING: T. Born, T. Melchoir, J. Rensch SITTING: M. Fullerton, B. McNelis, J. Dodge History is a vital subject for the present and the future are determined by the past. At our school, the stu dy of geo graph y , Amer ican and world history, and social problems are a part of the history curricu -lurn . HISTORY AS WE LIVE IT PHYSICAL FITNESS With the wide variety of activities in the physical education department, there is something to interest everyone. As a result of this, students have taken an active interest in physical fitness. HOMEMAKING In the home economics de-partment, students learn the basic fundamentals of cooking and sewing. In this course, they plan and make meals, sew cloth-ing, and also gain background in child care. FINALS! 29 With the end of the year, scho-lastic achievement is measured by final exams. As students madly cram for their finals the night before, they begin to realize that they should have studied throughout the entire year . Thus the finals bring an end to another year of school. 30 OUR VISITOR FROM IRAN Vrej Torossian, or as we knew him, Vic, made a lasting impression on the students of Burnsville. Vic arrived in Burnsville in August of 1964. For one year, he exchanged his family in Iran consisting of his parents and two sisters for the Wisness family of Burnsville. During the school year, Vic actively participated in football, wrestling and track. The students of Burnsville greatly en-joyed their visitor and are looking forward to many more foreign exchange students in the future. Yearbook editors, Eileen Dannecker and Carol Stark, dedicating the 1964-65 Kotka to our principal, Mr. Robert Pomije. CO-VALEDICTORIANS Diane Timm and Cynthia Van Slooten 31 AWARDS NIGHT CO-SALUTATORIA S Dianne Luce and Sue Williams I ·I Dave Brunet receiving the National Merit Scholarship awar d. Margaret Drew and Mary Michels received the P. T . A. scholarships. SCHOLARSHIPS Diane Timm receiving the Green Giant scholarship. Karen and Sharon Nelson receiving the Thespian scholarship. SENIORS "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. " Churchill SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Sharlee Burch, Secretary-Treasurer; Diane Luce, Vice President; Dave Brunet, President. 34 Cindy Van Slooten with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Van Slooten. Diane Timm with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Timm. Next >