< PreviousMr. LaCroix, coach; R. Carlton, manager; J. Campbell; J. Bergman; M. Bohn; S. Williamson; R. Walters; C. Fabel; K. Klotz; K. Bohn; J. Nordstrom; M. Schwie; D. Older. B A s K E T B A L L "Tip it in, Bob! 11 6 j Under the direction of their new coach, Kenneth Lacroix, the Burnsville cagers had a successful season sporting a five win and eleven loss record. Getting together was the biggest problem for the boys this season, but once this was accomplished the Braves won many games and became a threat to the opposition. The Braves worked hard for Burnsville and perhaps the biggest asset they had was their school's support . Co-captains Ken Klotz and Jim Campbell with Coach Lacroix. "You tell 'em, Coach!!!" D. Harris; S. Olson; J. White; D. Dwyer; C. Frankhauser; R. Jackson; T. Carey; T. Christoferson; M. Erving; D. Gelvick; R. Arsenhault; B. Becker; J. Re; T. Ahlquist; G. Petersen; Mr. Leider, coach. s Q u A D FRONT ROW: S. Eide; D. Carlson; D. Cooper; A. Engelson; T. Campbell; B. Dellwo; M Danielson; R. Thompson. SECOND ROW: B. Galley; D. Lewnau; G. Sheppard; D. Brunet; J. Skarupa; D. Bohn; M Silberg; L. Wilkie. THIRD ROW: P. Ryan; C. Foster; S. Smith; D. Grieger; R. Martin; D. Sorenson; R. Middelstadt; T. Eichen; M Ryan; R. Engelson; C. Vossen; Mr. Eppen, coach. "C" s Q u A D T R A C K Karl makes a fast start. There goes Ray! John samples the broad jump. The Burnsville track team coached by Fred Leider made a name for our school as for the 2nd year they worked to amass many points. The Braves were involved in many track meets this season . Although the team didn't set any records in track, everyone was justly proud of our boys and the fine sportsmanship they displayed. FRONT ROW, left to right: D. Lewnau; M. Ryan; P. Ryan. SECOND ROW: C. Hagerman; M. Collect; J. King; D. Brunett; R. Arsenhault; E. Egan; K. Bohn. TI-llRD ROW: D. Benson; A. Robinson; G. Peterson; J. Carlson; G. Renkert; B. Becker; J. Dietz. FRONT ROW , left to right: D. Christoferson, manager; R. Brown; P. Nord; J. Singewald; D. Dwyer; L. Millam; D. Older; J. Campbell; J. Beckman. SECOND ROW: Mr. La Croix, assistant coach; B. Mott; M. Schwie; J. Helgestad; K. Klotz; J. Bergman; S. Stoudt; J. Nordstrom; Mr. Stemmer, coach. The Braves fought their way to a solid second place in the Missota Conference with the guidance of Mr . Stemmer, the new baseball coach. The Braves started the .season with a loss, but they came right back with five straight wins. With good batting and a rough defense sup-porting them, the Braves ripped many games apart and acquired a favorable position. Safe or out??? 69 The co-captains of the baseball team this year were Joe Helgestad and Jim Campbell. B A s E B A L L s C H 0 0 L E M p L 0 r E E s ! S. ·Brown LEFT TO RIGHT: A. Nord; P. Schmidt; M. Connelly; B. Swain; E. Peters. · H. Weber, R.N. 70 H. Peterson D. Studer S. Penz FRONT ROW, left to right: R. Dittmam; E. Dobel; S. Ketchem; O. Connelly; E. Rignell; L. Allen. SECOND ROW: R. Robinson; D. Hammerschmidt; J. Mach; L. Christian; D. Kainz; J. Tyler; M. Storlie; C. Dawe; D. Lundberg. FRONT ROW, left to right : Judy Malmin; Sandy Maxwell; Sue Smith; Barb Fairclough; Nancy Johansen; Charlene Terwilliger; Lynn Shafer; Kay Porterfield; Doris Reed. SECOND ROW: Eileen Eidsmo; Sue Mastous; Mary McQuiston; Gayle McMillan; Lois Monson; Gail Lundberg; Jennie Groven; Chirsten Hill; Mary Lovley; Lonna Beenken. THIRD ROW: Pat Ryan; Sue Miller; Barb Fuglem; Lanny Witt; Bob Walters; John Sautner; Pat Leitchman; Pauline .Bagge; Bev Fuglem. LEFT TO RIGHT: Doug Older, copy chairman, Kathy Walberg, photography chairman; Faye Lahti, sales chairman; Cheryl Sorensen, treasurer; Dennis Billings, art and layout chairman. We would like to thank all those who con-tributed their time and talents to help us publish the 1963 KOTKA. Our thanks goes especially to Mr. Green, our advisor, who has endured many headaches this past year trying to help us meet our deadlines. We would also like to thank Miss Ronzani, head of the English Department, who corrected our spelling errors, run-on sentences and disorganized ideas . Mr . Melander, our photographer, also deserves recognition for the fine pictures which he has taken throughout the year. Thank you! Pat Whalen and Trudy Wolfram, co-editors r E A R B 0 0 K s T A F F SENIOR INDEX BAGGE, PAULINE: All-School Play 4; Chorus 3, 4; Dramareers 3,4; G.A.A. 3; Yearbook Staff 3, 4. BARNETT, STEVE: All-School Play 4; One-Act Play 4. BEENKEN, LONNA: Year-book Staff 4. BILLINGS , DENNIS: National Honor Society 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4. BOHN, KARL: Football l, 2, 3, 4; Lettermen's Club 2, 3, 4; Tra ck 3, 4. CAMERON, PATRICIA: Pep Club l, 2. CAMPBELL , JAMES: Baseball l,2,3,4; Basket-ball 1,2 ,3,4; Football 1,2, 3 , 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Student Coun -cil 1,2,3,4. CARLSON, JOSEPH: Foot-ball 3,4; Lettermen's Club 4. EIDSMO , EILEEN: Chorus 4; Pep Club l, 2; Yearbook Staff 4. FAIRCLOUGH, &\.RBARA: Cheerleader 3, captain 4; Chorus 2, 3; Pep Club 2; Year book Staff 3, 4 . FOSSE , BURTON: All-School Play 3,4; Football 3,4. GROVEN , JANENE: Year-book Staff 4 . HAGERMAN , CLAES-GORAN: A .F .S. 4; Bas-ketball 4; Track 4 . HELGESTAD , JOSEPH: Baseball 3, co-captain 4; Lettermen's Club 4. KLOTZ , KENNETH: Ba seball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Cho-rus 2,3,4; Football 1,2, 3,4. KOPP, JOHN: Football 2, 3; Track 3. LADUE, RUSSELL : Foot-ball 3,4. LOVLEY, MARY: Bravettes 4; Yearbook Staff 4. LUNDBERG, GAIL: All-School Play 3, 4; Che er -leader 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3; Cla ·ss Treasurer 4; Year-book Staff 3, 4. LUNDBERG, GARY: Football 2, 3, 4; Letter-men's Club 4. McMILLAN, GAYLE: Chorus 2; Yearbook Staff 3,4. McQUISTON, MARY: Pep Club 1, 2; Year book Staff 4 . MALMIN, JUDY: Band 1, 2; Cheerleader 2, 3; Chorus 2, sec. 3, pres. 4; Student Council 3; Year-book Staff 3, 4 . MAXWELL, SANDRA: Pep Club 1, 2; Yearbook Staff 4. NOYES, NANCY : All-School Play 3, 4; Class Secretary 4; Chorus l, 2, 3; Band 1, 2. OLDER, DOUGLAS : Base-ball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2,3,4; Chorus 4; Class Play 3; Yearbook Staff 4. ORDEMANN , DENNIS: Class Play 3; Chorus 3, 4; Dramat ee rs , treas. 3, 4; Football 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 . PETERS, KATHLEEN: Chorus 3,4; Class Sec-retary 3 ; Cl ass Vice President 2; Student 72 Council 2, 3; Yearbook Staff 3, 4. PORTERFIELD, KAY: Bravettes 4; Student Coun-cil 4. SAUTNER, JOH N: Year-book Staff 4 . SHELTON , PATRICIA: Cheerleader l, 2, 3; Pep Club 1, 2. SMITH, SUSAN: Yearbook Staff3,4. SMITH, WILLIAM: All-Scho ol Play 4; Football l, 3, 4; Lett e rmen' s Club 3, 4. WALBERG, KATHRYN: All-School Play 4; A .F .S. 3, 4 ; Dram a teer s 3, sec. 4; Yearbook Staff 4. WALTERS, ROBERT: All-School Play 3, 4; Band l, 2, 3, pres. 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3,4; Clas s Treasurer 2; Basketball l , 2, 3, 4. WHALEN, PATRICIA: A. F. S. 3, 4; All-School Play 3,4; Dramateers, sec. 3, pres . 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Yea rbook Staff 3, co -editor 4 . WILLIAMS , PAUL : Band 1,2 ,3,4; Chorus 2,3,4; Dramate ers 3, v. pres. 4; Foo tball l, 2 , 3, 4; Let-termen's Club 1,2,3,4. WILLIAMSON , STEPHEN: All-School Play 3, 4; Bas-ketball 3, 4; Dr amatee rs 3,4; Football 3,4; Track 3. WITT, LANNY: Band 1,2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Class Play 3; Football 3. WOLFRAM, TRUDY: A.F .S. 2,3,4; All-School Pl ay 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 3, co-editor 4. * · * ~ . • * * * • * • • * * • • Next >