< PreviousMr. Robert Fischer Commercial, History Mrs. Barbara Keenan Commercial Mrs. Dorothy Keller Home Economics Mrs. Nanc y Stauffer Geography, English Miss Joan Galler y History, English Mrs. Marjorie Mann Girls' Physical Education Mr. Robert Pates Athletic Director Mrs. Ethel Buchan Chorus Mr. Ronald Ronning Music Mr. Sheldon Satter Ind us trial Arts Miss Mechthild Mueller Art, German Mr. Christan Va tsaas Industrial Arts MAINTENANCE MEN Owen Connelly Dick He inish Eddie Rignell EMPLOYEES OFFICE ,HELP Mrs. McElwain Dorothy Studer KITCHEN HELP Mrs. Swain Mrs. Lundberg Mrs. Schroeder Mrs. Nord ACTIVITIES Activities are: the pepfest before that important game , the football team's road to fame, the bas ketball-game so thrilling, the Jun ior-Senior Play so chilling, the last minute change to my dress, the wonderful feeling of love's first caress, that makes prom night a complete succe ss. FOOTBALL FIRST ROW: S. Wagner, P. Pond, Co-Captain, P. Campbell, G. Grundstrom, J. Rebel. SEC-OND ROW: W. Williams, Co-Captain, P. Williams, D. Borgen, J. Campbell, L. Bagge, J. Campbell, C. Drentlaw, K. Klotz. THIRD ROW: Coach Pates, D. Ordemann, G. Gibbish, G. Lundberg, B. Smith, M, Bohn, B. Walters, K. Bohn, G. Irish, D. Nelson, S. Turnquist, R. Goedken, Assistant Coach. FOOTBALL SCORES We They Norwood 20 7 Eden Prairie 28 6 Chaska 7 0 Golden Valley 38 7 Orono 0 39 u. High 7 14 Watertown 0 14 Waconia 14 34 "A" Squad Captain P. POND ~~B" SQUAD FRONT ROW: G. Irish, C. Drentlaw, J. Campbell, N. Ess. SECOND ROW: Coach La Croix, D. Nel-son, B. Walters, G. Hub-er, K. Klotz, L. Johnson. ~~A" SQUAD BASI(ETBALL "B" Squad Co-Captain D. NELSON "B" Squad Co-Captain J. CAMPBELL CENTER: Coach Pates. BACK ROW: J. Campbell, B. Buckingham, M. Connelly, P. Pond, L. Utecht, F. Connelly, P. Campbell, J. Rebel , L. Kyllo, G. Grundstrom, Stu-dent Manager D. Billings. ACTION ACTION .ACTION FRONT ROW: J. Lang, M. Visnovec, M. Dorn, M. Paukner, P. ·shelton. SECOND ROW: C. Grimme, J. Zilka, L. Trost, D. Hennen, J. Priebe, Cheerleader Advisor, Mrs. Mann. ~~A" SQUAD CHEERLEADERS ~~B" SQUAD BASEBALL 1958-59 SENIORS D. Gelhar, D. Grundstrom, B. Lattery, J. Bohn. Coach La Croix and Captain Lattery FRON! ROW: F. Connelly, L. Utecht, D. Gelhar, D. Grundstrom, B. Lattery, J. Bohn, P. Pond. SECOND ROW: Coach La Croix, Student Manager P. Williams, C. Pederson, J. Campbell, D. Grundstrom, B. Buckingham, D. Nel son, M. Connelly, L. Kyllo, C. Drentlaw, Student Managers K. Klotz, J. Campbell. BASEBALL 1959-60 FRONT ROW: M. Connelly, L. Kyllo, J. Campbell, B. Buckingham, W. Williams, M. Bohn, L. Bagge. SECOND ROW: Coach LaCroix, P. Campbell, P. Pond, L. Utecht, D. Nelson, F. Connelly, T. Lattery, S, Fahlstrom. COACH LaCROIX P. POND W. CAPTAIN B. WILL!AMS BUCKINGHAM Next >