< Previous' ... Award promotes Ken Larson Award Realty has appointed Ken Larson general manager of sale and compan . . . y vice president. In his new position, he will be in charge of recrui ting, training and sa les. Lars~n has been manager of Award's ~umsv11le office for three years and in that ume made the south sub urban location the most successfu l of the company's IO loca-rions. Other promotions anno un ced in co ncert with the Larson appointment were: Ron Bulson, Burnsville sales assoc iate, has been named manager of the Bloomingto n office ; Judd Brackett, Bloomington manager, has been named manager of the Burnsville office; Joe Lieb, Burnsville sales ass ociate, has been named manager of the new Apple Valley office schedule d to open in th e fall. According to Award Realty Pres ident Fred Tomas, "All Award's manager s are fu ll time a nd do not act ively engage in real estate sales. Our manager s ar e selected becau se of th eir sales and or gani7- ,onal ability, but once they've made :0:anager they're full time manag ers. We want them support ing t he other salespeopl e and not worrying abo ut th eir own volum e. This is the kind of supp o rt we want to give our sales for ce . Founded four years ago, Award is the fastest growing real estate firm in Min-nesota. Sales have grown from $12 million in 1975 to more than $139 million in 1978. The company ha s already passed the one hundred million dollar mark in 1979. Extension service offers advice· on lawn care Kim Mogen, horticulturist ·assistant, Dakota Co unty Extension Service Seeding-The best time to seed a lawn is berween mid-Au gus t and mid-September. That is when grasses seed in nature, while most annual weeds do not germin ate after Aug. I 5. Grasses see ded in the fall can become esta bli shed in win ter and be grow-ing in the spring before weeds start to ger-minate. Seeding is easiest on a cairn day. If you seed by hand , mix th e seed well a nd divide it into four equal lot s; then spread each lot in a diff e r ent direction. If you seed mechani cafly, divide the seed into two equal lots and sow i-t in two d irection s. Rake the seed in lightl y, l~aving about IO percent of it showing. Then roll the seedbed lightly to firm the seed into the soil and water it light-ly. Water your newly seeded area two or Hlree times a day fo r 10 to 20 minute s at a time. Never allo w t he seedbed to dry out once it has been watered. As seedlin gs develop, apply water in greater quantiti es at longer inter val s until the grass is well developed. Then water it at one-week inter -vals, applying about 1 inch of water at a time or as needed. Sodding-Sodding is not recommended after Oct. 1. Areas to be sodded should ha ve phosphoru s tilled into the soil as in seeding . An application of ½ pound of nitrogen fertili zer per 1,000 squ are feet can be app lied immed iately to newly sodded turf. Soak the sod ded area immediat ely after laying and keep it well watered until it is firmly rooted to the soil (2 to 3 weeks). After establishment, treat the sodded area as any established lawn. Fertilizing-Although it is not recom-mended during mid- summer's heat , fer-tilization ca n be resumed · around mid-August with the last ap plication around the 10th of September. Fusarium-blighted lawns should receive only the September application of fertilizer. Fertilization at thi s time of year help s condition turf to minimize winter injury . Here are some tips to help you do a bette, job of fertilizing ._ • Never apply more than I pound of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet at any one time. • Spread fertilizer in two directions. • Use a cyclone or rotary type spreader. • Never apply fertilizer to wet or frozen ground. • Always water your lawn immediately after fertilizing. DAKOTA HELP LINE 894-2424 (24 hours) Need informati on on se rvice s ava ilable? Are yo u retir ed and looking for a se nior c itizens' group? The Dakota Help Line volunteer s a re here to answer your question s and refer you to an ap-propriat e re so urce . A program of the Community Action Council, li il Il Senior TI llCitizen Daysll Every Tues & Wed TI with Ms. Jan ll IT &Set $5 $5 llFALL PERM SPECIAL~ Every Tues & Wed thru I Sept. 30. 1979 s 1 s I Hair Therapy TI 4030 Beau dyRue Drive ll b Eagan 454-7139 JI Now a "Word of Faith,, church south of the Minnesota River. Announcing the formation of Faith Family Fellowship-/ or born-again Christian families. ' Pastors Grady and Nancy Miller are recent graduates of Rhema Bible Training Cent.er under the direction of Kenneth Hagin. Also, Nancy is a past voice instructor at Oral Roberts University. -Services now being conducted at the Howard Johnson Motel at Hwys. 35W and 13 in Burnsville at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sundays. The name comes from faith alone in Jesus Christ, family importance and togetherness, and fellowship recognizing the need of born-again Christians to be yoked with fellow believers. · Won 't you join us? The church where Jesus Christ is the King. (.W) 31 Business and Professional Women to meet Women who live and/or work in Burns-ville, Eagan , Apple Valley, Lakeville, Rose-mount and Savage are invited to attend the September meeting of the Minnesota Valley chapter of Business and Professional Women. The meeting is scheduled for Mon-day, Sept. 10, at Jimmy's Lemon Tree in Apple Valley. Social time will run from 6 to 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, business meetin g and program. Members of the organization will present a program entitled, "BPW: A Member Oriented Organization." Reservations for dinner are required and may be made by calling Marilyn Grand-strand at 884-9075 or 339-1122 by Sept. 6 . Business and Professional Women' s clubs have c:xisted for 60 years throughout the United States with the following objec -tives: to elevate the standards for women in business and the professions, and to pro-mote the inte res ts of these women; to bring about a spir it of cooperation among work-ing women; and to extend opportunities to them through education. The Minnesota Valley chapter meets the first Monday of each month. For inform a-tion on member ship, call Marge Oberg at 432-9523. Burnsville Center Calendar Qf Events The Burnsville Center Calendar of Events for September: September 3-9: MPPA Loan Co llection--showing of photographs from the Min-ne so ta Profe ssio nal Photographers Association will be displayed on the lower level near Sears. Thi s is a state-wide travel-ing loan collection. September 10-13: Pollution Control Agency-Free information regard ing pollu-tion will be given at this display, located in the so utheast overload parking lot between J.C. Penney' s and Sears. Information regarding car pollution devices will also be given. September 13-16: Fall Arts and Craft s Show-Artists · and craftspeople will be located throughout the mall to demonstrate and sell their fine arts and hom e crafts: September 1 S: Free Kids Movie--"Mad Monster Party" will be shown to kids 12 and under. Showings will be 10 and 11 :30 a.m. September 28: Cartwheel-A-Thon-Girls of the Burnsville Gymnastic s Activities Association, ages 7 to 14, took pledges and will be executing cartwheel s from 7 to 9 p.m. , in the promotion area. Bravette garage and bake sale set The Burnsville High School Bravette danceline will hold their garage and bake sale from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8 at 11116 Radisson Court and 11118 Radisson Court, North River Hills. are captains Steff Anderson and Kathy Kes, Darci Bachmicr, Kelly Beumer , Sabrina Booker, Terry Collymore, Tracy Daly, Nancy Fowler, Gayle Frechette, Kari Hall, ·Kerri Larson, Mikel Lapanta, Sabrina Lutz, Michelle Miller, Ann Noldin, Mary Jo Noldin, Michon O'Brien, Lori Patri e, Wendy Pederson, Missy Peters, Lisa Scheuermann, Kristi Schulberg, Sandy Swenson, and Jane Van Diver. This is the first fund raiser of the year for the Bravettes. T he danceline will use the profits from the sale to help support their activities during the year. The member s of the 1979-80 Bravettes Armour Star Deluxe Beef FRONTS 99c lb. SIDES s101 ~b. HINDS s121i· 1b. 3 LEGGED BEEF s121,1b. Price Includes Cutting, Wrapping & Sharp Freezing ALL ROADS LEAD TO. 1.-,.111z MHII A-I-. · . ~r NNONFALLS ... ~ ·.1 UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE II fo r ony reason you arc, no t comple t oly sot,sfi ~ w ,th you r purchos ~ . s,mply re tu rn it t o u1 a nd we w ill either replace t he ent ire amoun t or if you w i sh wo w,11 g,ve you o comp let e ca sh re fund .. N o que1t1ons osked W e won t our cusl om e, s to be so li• f1od w 11h rh.ir ttn t ire e>urchose. · Prices Good thru Sept . 8 A Big Thank You to all of you Fresh Frozen · Cod Filet5s750 Sib.Box who came to our ~--------suced s349' Open House Bologna Aug. 25 S lb. Box Lorentzs ' Armour Star 7·9 Pork Sausageggc I Tt1rkey ¢ Rolls lb 10-12 lb. Aug . Grade A Northern Grown Home-made Frying Chicken Cut-up 59clb Country S 169 Sausaae 1b. Fresh or S"moked Lorentzs Homemade Headcheese s17~1b Old Dutch Potato -59¢ Chips box 16 oz. 8 Pack $ 119 Pop . Plus Deposit . $pecial of the Week ·Ground Beef s13900 Compare Quality & Price' 1-1 ½ or 2 lb. pkgs. 100 lbs. ~•••f ,rices are down Shop Today! Make your appointment now. Butchering days are Mon. & Thurs . . . Use our Metro Number (Metro No.) 332-2058 lor~11tz Meat1 Metro No. 332-2058 · we reserv e lh e riQht to l imit quant,tie s CO MPLETE Mf:AT CENTER RETAIL- CUSTOM PROCESSING-STORAGE * CANNON FALLS * W . . Th. -7:30-9 M., T., F. -7:30-5:3~ Sat. -7:30 -5 .· t, 32 People Pantry Open th e door to opportu(Jities fo r h elping , serving and giving to peop /e. Learn , grow and develop new skills by volunt eering . Respond to the follGJwing request s by calling the numbers · listed. RESOURCEFUL WOMEN are needed to implement a challenging program for homemakers in Dakota County. The pro-gram's goal is to help women discover healthy, creative life styles. Volunteers are needed to publicize the program, assist at workshops, co-facilitate support groups, staff women's resource center, etc. Time commitments will vary according to area of interest. Volunteers will receive 10 hours of training during September. For additional information and / or interview, call Jan at 894-4212, 9 a .m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. WHEELCHAIR PATIENT in her 60s need s weekly visitor to lift her spirit s. (Ro semount area) If you are cheerful and able to rea ch out to a lonely stranger, call Jan at 894-4212, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekday s. FALL VOLUNTEERS. Ebenezer Ridges ' fall volunteer program begin s thi s week. Use your talents, develop new friendship s, and learn about the health care field. There are a variety of ways you can be involved. Volunteers read, write letters , visit, take residents for walks and to rehabilitation departments, serve in the dining room , and help with baking, crafts and outings. For more information call Susan at 435-8116, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. FATHERL~S BOY of seven in Apple Valley needs a friendly man to take him fishing, camping, and other places. (Mom doesn't drive.) If you have a few hours each week to share with a boy, call Jan at 894-4212, 9 a .m. to 5 p.m ·. weekdays. CONCERNED ABOUT NUTRITION? Like children? Dakota County WIC pro-gram needs you to supervise children of clients attending nutrition classes. Children's teaching aids such as nutrition coloring books and "vegamals" for a pup-pet show will be provided for a creative ex-perience in nutrition . A volunteer is needed the second and third Friday afternoon of each month . For details call Debbie or Pat-ty at 894-2880, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays . BRAND NEW OFFICE needs cheerful volunteer to answer business office telephone and greet visitot s . Excellent chance to gain receptionist- experience and be part of a social service team. If you can spare one afternoon a week for 12 weeks (or more) call Jan at 894-4212, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. BUS TRIP ASSIST ANTS for elderly resident s at Ebenezer Ridge s are needed to accompany activitie s staff when th ey take a busload of residents on shopping trip s, or to restaurants, or to community events. In-volves pushing wheelchairs, helping residents with assigned activities for the _day, and assisting activitie s staff. Day s and times are flexible. Call Susan at 435-8116, 9 a .m . to 3 p.m . weekday s. PHONES-DAKOTA HELP LINE. Resourceful, alert person needed to answer phones and refer callers to community resources which meet their needs. Commit-ment involves four hours/week (9 a .m . to I p.m. or I p .m. to 5 p.m.) for a period of several months. Excellent opportunity to learn about Dakota County. For interview, call Jan at · 894-4212 , 9 a .m . to 5 p.m. weekdays. BLIND MAN in Lakeville needs ride to swimming lessons in Burnsville on Tuesday and Thursday nights for 8 weeks beginning September 18th. Can you help? Call Jan at 894-4212, 9 a.m. to 5 p .m . weekdays. For information on submitting listing, call Jan at 894-4212 . Helpers sol)ght for picture, · gifted programs in schools Volunteers are being sought for two pro-grams in District 191 elementary scho.ols. The programs, which were piloted last year and are being expanded to other schools this year, are Omnibus and Picture People . Omnibus is designed to meet the needs of high potential, or gifted, elementary school students . In the Picture People program, volunteers bring reproductions of great paintings into the classroom and discuss them with the children. An orientation session for Picture People volunteers is set for 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17 at the Administrative Service s Center, 100 River Ridge Road . A two-hour training session is set for Friday, Sept . 21 at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. · Omnibus volunteers should be able to volunteer two hours a week for a six-week period. They may select one of two all-day training sessions on Tuesday, Se(!!. 2~ or Saturday, Sept . 29. Neither program requ'ires volunteers to be trained teachers. An interest in helping is all that is asked of volunteers , according to program coordinators . For more information on the Picture People program call Patty Kelly, district coordinator, at 890-5094 or the scltool prin-cipals at Sky Oaks, Sioux Trail, Savage, Cedar, Byrne, Rahn or Gideon Pond, where it will be offered this year. More information on the Omnibus pro-gram program is available at all elementary schools. Building coordinators have been selected. University women to gather The Burn sville-Prior Lake branch of the American As sociation of University _ Women (AAUW) will host a new member-old member get-together at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 8 at the Burnsville branch of the Dakota County Library, 1101 W. County Road 42. AAUW is. involved in service projects Scout Troop 650 to begin meetings Boy Scout Troop 650 will begin regular meetings at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. IO at River Hills United Methodist Church, 11100 River Hill s Drive. Int erested boy s, age 11 or older, sho uld co ntact Scoutm aster Pat Cavanagh at 890-2015 for more in formation . The ~lit-.llle CURRENT, September 5, 1979 .... and activities , such as a children's play and a silent auction at a holiday luncheon, to raise money for scholarships for local high school students. Members must be graduates of accredited colleges or universities . For more information call Linda Hendrix at 890-7727. Sorority plans 'rush' tea · The Theta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority will be hosting a "rush" tea thi s fall for the purpose of acquainting pro spec -tive members mor e fully with the chapt er' s activities. Wom en inter ested in membership sho uld call Jan Erlandson at 432-9100. Red Owl's Semi-Annual Vitamin Sale • • Stock Up Now During Our Semi-Annual Vitamin Sale On Vitamins For The Entire Family .At Huge Savings From Red Owl! S NY OER CHI LD REN S Chewable Vitamins Rr!g ul ar o r w 11h h on B01111: o t 60 ta bl ets REG2491 49 SAVE 1 00 • SNYDER Vitamin C Tablets 250 rng ho lll c o f 100 tablt>ls REG. 1 69 99c SAVE 70C SN Y D ER B with C Capsules A v ll ,t ll lll l (. ,mr f ' R Vl! ,t n 1111, th l' I I.IIV ~11p1 :l1•1rn• n1 Bn t ll, • o ( 100 n m 'iu l,·!. f! EC.J99 2 99 $ AV F 1 OCJ . • SNYDE R Vitamin E Capsules ,If~ I U B u 11I,· of 100 r .111~ulcs REG 5/I 3 99 SA \' [ I /R • SN YDER Multiple Vitamins Re~ ular or w ith ho n Ooi tlf: o f 100 ta ble ts REG 1991 29 SA VE 70C • SNYDER Vitamin C Tablets 500 mg . Bo ttl e ot 100 tablet ~ REG 2791 89 SAV E 90l • SN,DER Multiple Vitamins Regul a, or \'lnth h on Bot11c ot 365 1ab lc 1s. RW•79 2 99 SA V[ 1 80 • SNYDE R S U PFR MUL Tl Vitamins with Minerals Bo u le o l 144 pl u s b Ottll' o t 3G lrc 1• REG547 3 99 SAVE 1 48 • t r "' J. J 1 ~ASH. DIVIDENDS I RED OWL 5 L8. BAG SUGAR START THIS WEEK .... SAVE MORE THAN 511%. A NEW PIECE WLL BE ON SALE EACH WEEK (SEE SCHEDULE BELOWI FUTURE: ~ l1tlSWEEK'S 69 CUP WITH EA CH $5 EA. PURCH . fNll ,lfl"IQ ,,_ Uad,:co.al daQ • OCG 81'1<1 ~UIY ot o.a,~e S cutph,ucd Allftl• Odlwr.·~ Sa!e • Oven Sa t~S1 te • • Mic,o W :h e 01,1• n•Evtry o.e<:O ~ ,1~ Collcc1:, c.ompktl! S1111 S erv ,c.e 101 8 ('40 PM<.MI blCIM' "2160 A NEW PIECE Will BE ON SAl£ EACH. WEEKI Follow This Weeklv SchfWU!I .. -...-69' --· f.lst w..-01N1'Efl PLATE ~:.~-2nd Week CUP 69' --· ~oo-, -.. .. 3rd WNk SAUC ER 69' :::..'::..-.,~~~ .. Ith WNk SALAD PLATE 69' --·"'~ ~ .. s1h w ... k CEREAL BOWL 69' ,00-11>.•w ... ,_ This Schedule Will Be Repeated GET MATCHING OPEN STOCK COMPANION PlfaS AT OUR LOW, LOW PRICfSI 4 H w.bla i-c es &rll • C•t ~rne--· Co~M Suo,Jf • Sovp Oowl s • S• I• b Peppe, •9 in ~ V~1A~Gu1vv 8 0.1 w.it , T•• ~ lO .,.. o ... .,, Oake-• to,. ..,e,1 8utl fJI' Dl'l.t,• F-ooud Mu9, • 11 in 0....tJ ~11 c, • Ct'OP Pu it<• Cofftt tc-a Pm • Coveted D ue u!M GET RJRTHER DETAILS IN THE STORE DAIRY CASE VALUE! t10 RMH. B0Nll£ SS Cure "81" Hams ,. $219 J[NN IE 0 Turkey Wieners. .f 79c sc .. wnGc~, ,; Tenderbite Wieners ,! }j, $229· • l'(l {ft. .,t,-,1 'i Italian Sausage .. Bratwurst , H $179 * * VEAL SALE * * Heinemann Kitchen s. Bar' B ·Oue Beef Ribs or $169 Pork Chops. "' Boneless Bar-B-Oue $219 Beef Riblets .• - ---- ~--COLE SLAW,.n: 1, • .-.( -.ovli c~o,c.t POTATO SALAD" ' 89C BAKED BEANS ·,o, .__ __ _ Sausage & Pepperoni Deli Brand ,00 , . , 0 $179 Thin Crust Pizza GAL. RICH &READY ORANGE DRINK \ 1~6if1J'?~m?oi5iioi6f~----, l .. THIS COUPON ENT ITLES I I BEARER TO 1 Is DO~~LE I! I:~ Cash D1v1dend ~I If COUPONS ~1 1-c WI T H PUR • ~ I I C MO CHASE OF '10 00 OR I' !~ FAi1fy L~~[,ifiREos~/iN PER 11 tP.l: SEPT. 8 1979 · • I I ' I I . : --~r, I I I I I I ' I I I , • .,.. I PEANUT BUTTER 28 oz. JAR SKIPPY I I THICK N THIRSTY I :: KLEENEX I FLAVORFUL FARM FRESH Thick Cut Roasting · Por1< Chops Chickens '8149 LB59c * WILSON. CORN KING * Boneless $179 HAMS ... LB THICK CUT BONELESS BONELESS ROUND RUMP ROTISSERIE STEAK ROAST ROAST ~,~r$2~.9 $2!, * * LAMB SALE • -• _ U.S. Choice F'Ro zrn . wHOLE oN L v _ Lamb legs . .. ~~· $199 Farm Fresh 4ge ~ $1691~i!'1c1e $199 SPLIT FRYERS . ... ~iR ROAST ' " STEAK I '" **OSCAR MAYER SALE** in c; l•H C I( ()I f1t 1N Oscar Mayer SLICED BOLOGNA ~: $119 ••G t11H t Oscar .Mayer PORK LINKS 10 $,.59 Rf G 0 1C t, ! l 'i.,£ Osca r Mayer · SMOKIE LINKS ,, $149 Ol PK G St 1C(O ( U Q PP(O 11AM CQ1 TO SJI.LA M I o • SU MM(A S AU S,Ari F ~~~~ Lunch Meats c:i~;, 't.°l $169 HARVE ST QUEEN J ENNY LEE BLUE SEAS FROZEN FRESH FISH V A N0[ l(/,MP FISH FILLETS At$J29 I ROilN t l:GS b Ct M'IJS TURBOT SNOW FILLETS CRAB $1~~ $2~~ Dt.u BRA,._O Tartar Sauce 0J\~. $119 RICHELIEU TOMATO JUICE EGG NOODLES WESTERN DRESSING :: TOWELS : II I 11 I I I I 100 C I I SHEET I ROLL I I I I I I I I I I WITH ONE FILLED CASH I DIVIDEND CERTIFICATE - FREE Collector's Case with Book 2 of "The Great Ar · FROZEN. YOUR CHOICE Totinos Pizza ... 11 ?1, TO 12 1/, oz. l'KG S • • • • HA SH BROWNS 2 LB . PKG. OR POTATOES O'BRIEN 24 OZ. PKG. Ore-Ida Potatoes .. • • EA. FROZEN DAIRY FARMOALE Vanilla ½ GAL. $139 Ice Cream . c: RUT~~ Farmdale Ice Cream Flavors . \ ~~ L. $ 159 BAKERY BUYS RED OWL Sandwich lY2 59 (: Bread .. ~0A: f MEDIUM CHEDDA R, COLBY, MI LO COLBY · LONGHORN 01 SLICED ½ MOON COLBY CHEESE 88c 21. 69c a t1!I I fk •)59 .,....-;1FCJP,-RED OWL Butterbread . . . . . . . . 1L~,}~ i FARMDALE CHEESE SALE SPLIT TOP. SANDW ICH OR ROUND TOP ' 12 9 OR IND IVI DUAL LY ~K~z $ WRA PPED. 72 SLICES · IN A BOX. FA RMOAL E. S LICED YOUR American 3 $47 7 CHOICE Cheese LB . BOX ~At~~'i° REGULAR KING ·s ~ 120259c \ HAWAIIAN~: $129 0ieese c TN. Bread PKG PERSONAL CARE! ../ , I FAMOU S I s T ANDAR O OR SO FT I LISTERINE G.f . LIGHT I M!fit 12~:i~~i:r 0 I STYLE HAIR SPRAY 80 2 59c NEW CROP, U.S. NO. 1 RED or POiiioes! OREGON U S EXTRA fAN CY Bartlett Pears . REOOWI . GREA 'I ON PO f Al Of S Bacrisps .... ~~l. 59e HOMf GRONW Squash .. . .. J UM BO Yellow Onions • • ,n 29c Olympic Meal Bread . . t~;~ 79c HEIN EMANN KITCHENS . BLUEBERRY O R CHERRY Glazed Donuts . . . . . . MARY K ITCHEN. ROAST BEEF OR COf.lNED BEEF oo z .. Hash or HORM EL No Bean Chili . cii79c CAN . . . Pric es eff ect ive thru Sat urday,Sc p t cmbor8, 1979. Quant -ity rig ht s reserved , no sales 10 ctco1ors. ~rices and coupo ns in thi s a d n ol goo d at lt'lc 6 Twi n Cities area Country S tores . Pri ces cff cc t ivo at Tw in Citi es. Hastings, S till wa ter a nd Shakop ee Red Ow l Sto res. FREE! ADD THE FINISHING TOUCH TO YOUR BARBECUE ! WITH THE PUR C HA SE OF 2 LBS. ol BBQ RIB S RECE I V E A PINT OF ......... . • CONTINENTAL DELI MEAT SPECIALTIES• CONTINENTAL OELI (HALF LB. ) PEPPERED BEEF 239 RED OU/L GERMAN POTATO SALAD CONTINENTAL DELI 19 · CONTINENTAL TRY OUR HONEY -CURED HAM , 0 LIVE LOAF . HA L~ 1 FRIENDL y FOOD STORES DELI PRODUCTS. .. SOUSE AND GENOA SA LAMI! PO UND l . r· -·.. wtt["JIHl!ii~.P v:-r::-1r~~-. ;1M11'i'llij1jljaij/ .... ,.,::-1~;ri:~-., llH1t1:1ltHi01a,11 ,':'t:--1 c~.".WJM1MJ!l,ma,r, :.';'.\·:-.1 r;~--.. p,311n~7ri1imM1 ~~-\·:-1 c;~~"-~-\-~H·J~7r.r,ma,11 -1wr1 i:'-, _ -J - -. ·-l .,r.-· ,, ... ~ ·jl ·-.--11-:: .. ,,... .. 1 i t=: ' t'IJU'{~6' ·~:=: "9 SA,'Et.20 =?,'1co 220 SAV£381 ~:11!: 221 SAVE201 ' ] =cm· SAVEt6' =,w m £4VEf01 :I ~ 1 • Jfl!fl;;, ir JOOl CM11s H't CMERR..- n ~uH Put, c u . -1 - · .:'I·= __ , .· . -l j=· . - 1 a:; ' : 11: GqAP E 0 1:1 t ( ,.,O 'i f;.0[ ·: : ::- ~ PO UC•t PACI( &·, oz PKG :..:l ,: . FAMOUS . :--:1 I=: ' ' : : 1 : : R[ G O R MIN1 'l oz I UtH : I ~ TBIGr,·Gx 119 c!:K Wylers 79'" §i!L Robin Hood 4 age f~!!': Heinz 59c Bpi:, 'c0"a""s'0'c'·'a,cdo,SetlW,,s,:: s $179 di!L Crest $109 HI r.. $ :::11: • k M. MA1~t!-. "' ::,f : M. ·: 1 ,== K h J; ==1 ::: uoxz ;=, ,=-T h ==j t . Cereal 't!}.' ~,I·· Orm ,xes ors J ,:· 1xes . . .. •o• ,, ,·:: etc up ... BIL ==1'1',: lim ,t ont with co,oon l rn,, ono co.,pon ... ,, m·tv ': ,: , · oot paste..... :!'1 t • • • • w,ntty :; tl um-10MWUl\t wc,ot1 U°nl10"-COVPQn ot t l .,..,.,. ;:; , ~ . Llfflft l O\lt tM1hCOUpon l..,.., 1 onecouponp,-,l amiv :::: I: . Li'Tltl onow ,1h coupoo L,m1I OM ( OUPOr'l1Md 1tm ily ;.: : . V• lodthr1,1S1t. Sep, 8. 1979 IA10XX7 91 ' ;;Ir l lm1t 1,1111wilhco u~n U ml1onocoupon per l•rr 111v. == ~ Ui:Monti'lllliU,coupon vmosonecouoc;per .::;i:: Vllkl 1ht"S 1• . SilOt 8 1919 IC!lOX.X701 ~ 1: -V-"d1 hN S11 . S901 8 1979 IC18XX201 ~If V-'id thr" S1t Sep t 8 1979 tCOOXX14' ;: 1: · Corp At>dOwl 16 ~: 1:. V•l id 1hruS • t , Sopt B, t979. IA40 XXOOI _: I 1 ~ ~;:,'l::.,j""" e ,m ,o ,xx• -~ !• c..o ...,o,,,, 10 •1\8!1 11· . eo,• Rod Owf. ',\WI r Co,o n ocro~, . ,~1 I . ·11· com""'°"'. -~: L,.; . ....... , .,, \}' . . . 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When it was over, participants, who reportedly ranged in age from three to · eighty three, were treated to gifts by Burnsville ce ·nter me_r-chants . Photos by Jim Bayer AT LEFT, KIMBERLY BOYD, 5, of ·Eagan, did a go-go dance. Marcia Borowicz, 13108 Girard Ave. S., saog a solo. She was accompanied by pianist Maureen Erichs. · -~~~ : BEREAN BAPTIST BIBLE BAPTIST -SUNDAY • • I ·'-WTHERAN CHURCH I Helping People Grow (undor conlrucUon> J5W UOth St. 134th St. 309 E. Co. Rd. 42 Burnsville MEETS SUNDAY Worship Hours8:30& 11 :00a.m. Bible School 9:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:50 p.m. WEDNESDAY Family Nighi T31i p.m. Prayer Meeting Pastor Wayne Aaplay. Pastoral Care e 432-7168 FEEL FREE TO CALL 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. · Morning Service 6:00 p.m. -· Training Hour 7:0D p.m. - Evening Service THURSDAY 7:00 p.m. - Prayer Meeting For Information Call: 890-3661 Meeting at the . HOWARD JOHNSON'S in Burnsville PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE KITCHEN BAND, compr ised of member Club , played to a full house. --Redeemer Lutheran Church "Sharing God's Word" FALL WORSH IP . SERVICE Beginning Sept. 9 Sunday Family Worship 8:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. Co.Rd.42. Of . THE APOSTLES" Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays of each mon t h Education Hour 9:15 A.M. Worship Celebrations 8:00 a.m. - Communion Service 9:00 a.m. - Family Worship (Children leave for S.S. classes at 9:30) 10:00 a.m. · Adult Groups 11:00 a.m . · Worship and Sunday School 3650 ~o. Rd. 34. Pastor Roy M. Lund 890-4534 -. . The Burnsvllle CURRENT, Sep\.,mber 5, 19i Worship Services 9:30 & 11 :00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. Philip H. Young MINI STER 701 E. ·1 JOth St. • Burnsville 890-7877 Thursday Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. Begins Sep t. 13 Pas tor Rev. Tim othy Schaefer Redeemer Lutheran 151 E. County Rd. 42 (1/, mile E. of 35W) 35 -JOHN NAAT JES, 12825 Woodview Lane, a Burnsville Senior High School student, charmed the crowd with his piano playing. fl\ the senior citizens' Fun and Friendship ' I I .. ,, ·-'-'----~-,. __] THE MOSQUITOS OF BURNSVILLE and Eagan performed an acrobatic act. ''Write Your Own'' Classified Ad Leave One Space Between Each Word -- Name ____________ ____________ _ Address ______________________ _ Phone _______________ _ Date of Publication_ J._J_ Category ____________ _ -1 Absolute Deadline: 11 :00 A.M. Monday] Mail or Bring To: Current/Countryside Newspapers 1209 E. Cliff Rd., Burnsville 55337 890-4456 Pre-paid RATES •2 line minimum 2 lines 3.70* 3 lines 5.55 4 lines 7.40 5 lines 9.25 6 lines 11.10 . 7 lines 1'2.95 8 lines 14.80 All claims for advertising error s must be made within 7 days from date of publication. Check or money orders only . Do not send CASH in mail. Garage sa le signs may be picked up at our offices . One free fo r each pa id ad. Additional sig ns - 50¢ each or 3/$1.00. C:Olil'ltt\J)idcz The ·Burnsvllle C URRENT, September 5, 1979 f I • 36 Joe Graeve Motors installs , computer system A'PPLE VALLEY -Computer technology is coming !o the new car dealer industry as it has to other busin esses. Joe Graeve Motors recently installed the "M icro Data Reality" computer which allows the dealership to order new cars in-sta ntly by punching in the proper code directly from the de~lership showroom . Terry Kywerigh, office manager, said the computer installed last month can simultaneously and independently com-municate with 28 different sources in locating and ordering a vehicle or parts. Besides ordering cars, the computer does basic accounting. Later, the dealership plans to expand the computer setup to manage payrolls, leasing records and s~rvice department record s. The installation of the computer is the first step in an extensive plan to put all GMC car dealers into the computer age. Graeve Motors plans to have a major por-lion of the computer system in place by 1980. Kywerigh calls the use of the computer "getting ready for the future," an d he says other changes might later involve the use of full-scale computer systems to diagnose repair and the servicing of the cars themselves. Plug the car into a computer and a complete printou t of the servicing needs could be given, he said. Pick-a-phone. . ·- . .... ---, . .. -~ -Thanks to you it works foralloflfi Pick it up. Take it home. And plug it in! Here's the exciting new way to get your phone installed faster ... Our-brand new Plck-a-Phone Service is a system that lets you call us with your selection of telephones. Then you can pick up your phone's and take them home ready to "plug ·in" to your jacks. In most cases you won't have to wait around for an installer to come! Your phones are ready to go with you in just a few minutes. And ·that's a real convenience, especially when you 're moving. Pick-a-Phone is great for adding extensions. Just plug an extens ion into any unused telephone jack in your home . You don't have to ·be "1l Oving to enjoy the convenience of Pick-a-Phone . Just call us for all the details or visit our Business Office to see our complete selection of phones. Pick-a-Phone . A whole new way to get your phones installed faster! CENTRAL TELEPHONE The Bumsvllle fUAAENT, September 5, 1979 \ Pick -a-Phone 1s a ne w service of .Central Te lephone and may not yet be established in your area . I • • 37 Belva opens Ivy in Riverview Center by Jeff Burrill . Nee ding a challe nge and a new goal Belva Swanson left a secure position with Ho~st and F~ends a nd opene d her own hair de,s1gn shop m Burnsville. Located at the River view Center where Mr. Cliffords II used to be, Belva.opened Ivy on July I. With her ca me many of her customers. "It's a nice feeling to hav e peop le follow you," Belva said. " But my customers have _ become more than just customers. Th ey are peop le to communicate and sha re with., ; And they do fo llow her. Besides the Twin Cities, Belva has custome rs from town s in South Dakota, Wiscons in and Min nesota. She also styles the hair of a gent leman from Paris . "The Par is customer comes to town on business, but it' s flatter ing that he chooses to have his hair done here, rather than in Pari s," Belva said . Man y of the M inne sota Twin s and their wives are also Belva's customers, plus , she has designed hair for local queens , in-cludin g last year 's Miss Apple Valley. Ivy's is located at 3345 E. Highway 13, at the corner of Highway 13 and County Road 30. Th e shop is open six days a week [Monda y through Friday] with evening and early morning appointments available. Belva's assistant is Peggy Pyle, and together they offer a full service of cutting, styling and perms. To phone Ivy, dial 890-{;873. Burnsville Center to sponsor annual Community Fair Burnsville Center merchants invite clubs 'and organizations to participate in the an-nual Community Fair Oct. 19 through 21. All interested non-profit organizations, not political or religious in nature, may occupy display space throughout the Mall at no charge. This event is held to allow club s, groups and organizations a forum to reach the general populus. The Community Fair will also serve to help make the general public aware of services and activities available in surrounding communities. Space for the Fair is limited. For detailed information and applications, call the Burnsville Center office at 435-8182, by Sept. 21. Model homes now open in Canterbury Square. Homesite prices begin at $6,200 + ~ssess. of approx. $6,000. Directions: Son 35W to Co. Rd. 42, W. approx 2 miles to Glen-dale , S. ½ mile to Canterbury Sq. Mar ion LeMay 941-3170 8 WOODED LOTS in Crystal Lak e area - $11,000 each plus assessments. C/D term s. Call Ke nn Kopp 890-3230 BELVA AT WORK styling the braids of Jan Penn-ington of Apple Valley. After four years with Horst and -Friends, Belva opened her own hair design shop, Ivy at Riverview Center in Burnsville . She does hair styk Photo by Jeff Burr ill Ing on - both men and women six days a week , in-cluding early morning _s and evenings. For appoint-ments, phone 890-6873. Veterans Answers Q -My claim for compensation for a World War II service disability has now been approved by the Veterans Administra-tion. Am I now eligible for service-disabled veterans insurance? A -You are not eligible if your only ser-vice was during World War II. Service-disabled veterans insurance is available only to those veterans released ftom active ser-vice under other than dishonorable condi-tions after April 24, 1951. Chateaulin In The Woods! Relax fireside in the family room off large kitchen. Enter-tain formally in the dining rm. Mid $80's. Pat Beatty 890-3476 Build your home on this ap-proximate 2 wooded acres 2½ miles west of Burnsville Center on #27. Large barn with 4" well. Potential income from storage or? Liberal C-D terms . Call for info. Kenn Kopp 890-3230 The Burnsville Chamber of Commerce works for local business Call 890-4455 Country Privacy Close to Rurnsville Center. Large 3BR, 1,500 sq. ft. home. Massive F.P. and 6 box stall barn. All on 2 wooded acres. Immediate posses-sion. Financing available. Shirley Kerkow w 447-2202 Award Realty ~-1--· 447-4700 ... ~ Burnsville/ Apple Valley ()l~l~l(~I~ SI~lf~I~ l?f )ll 1~1~1\SI~ 890-5982 ~ ~ ONCE AGAIN DON BENSON OF REAL TY CENTER SOUTH -LED THE SALES STAFF FOR TOP SALESMAN OF THE MONTH. Stop in and meet Don at our new location in Burnsville. He will be happy to help you with your real estate questions . Burnsville Offjce 890-4540 REAL TY CENTER SOUTH 1020 E. County Rd. 42 Burnsville, Mn 55337 432-0111 The Burnsvllle CURR~NT,~p_!!~b_e! 5, 1~79 ,, . ' • ' I AWARD REALTORS EQU,t,1.. HOVS tNCi, OP POR TUNtl Y 894-5600 ·1-0+ LANO LOCKED? Don't hesitate in purchasrng land for your dream h~me. These 2Ih acre lots just south of Farmington provide excellent ierm5. perfect future location. and building packages lo lit all budgets. Get details now' BOB LINCOLN 894-5485 AITN: BUILDERS! INVESTORS! LOT BUYERS! Trost Country Estates 10 minutes to Burnsville Center, 2 lots, 8.750 each & assessments; 1 lot. 8,900 & assessments. ANN HAGEN 890-5463 30+ SINGLES YOUNG MARRIEDS Convenience awaits you in a condominium. Enjoy the luxuries built 1010 a 2 bdrm condo - swimming, sauna and tennis. This home is decorated in warm ear-thtones and walks out onto your own patio. TONY THEISEN 890-8277 RENT IIICIIEASEI!! Are you getting tired of escalating rent? Why not invest in upcoming condominiums. 2 bedroom condos available from 36.900/-. Amenities include swimming pool, gym, party room, tennis and INVITING LIFESTYLE. 5 to IO't down financing available. Call to-day and stop paying high rents. PAUL CHRISTIE SANDEE SCHNEIDER HORSE LOVER'S ONLY 432-0485 447-2760 20 plus acres available in Lakeville's horse country. Creek runs through the property and partially wooded. All fenced in. Last of 20 acre parcel availabe in this area. Priced to sell at 34,900/-. PAUL CHRISTIE SANDEE SCHNEIDER 40+ AT LAST WOODHURST WEST 432-0485 447-2760 Most beautiful condos in B'ville. Sharp 1 BR available w/ all appliances. l o 40's. PAT MURLOWSIII 435-6533 -so+ SHAKOPEE New listing·- 3 BR townhome. 2 baths, 2 walkouts, 2 car attached garage. Condition excellent. priced at on-ly $52,500. BOB IIOPP 890-4400 60+ Call the Prole11iona/g at Award AMBITIOUS W1LL1NG TO SERVE OPEN WITH AGENTS AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK CAIITEIIIIUIIY SQUAIIE 69,400 New Area South of Savage Hurry & pick your own colors, floor coverings and ap-pliances. This 2 BR split features an extra large foyer. dining area, deck. fireplace in family room area. underground utilities and all improvements will be in & paid for. VA appraised at $69,900. ANII HAGEN 890-5463 TREES PLEASE Maturely wooded " deep" tot in established Burnsville neighborhood hosts a comfortable 3 BR family rambler. Hardwood flooring. Master bath. Oak recrea-tion room. Enjoy A.M.'s through P.M.'s in glazed " back porch." You will be proud to own this "Al " value. All terms. $69,900.00 DIAIIIIE IIELSON 432-1371 816 - 1,122 • IIAIIBlEII Finished amusement room. formal dining room, 4th bedroom down, 24' dbl garage, gorgeous yard . . - $65,900 -MARK RICHARDSON SPAIIKLIN6 Model home condition - beautiful yard -, ideal location. 69,900. PAT IIUILOWSll 435-6533 DELUXE PRIOR LAKE TOWNHOME Quality built new tri-level town homes. 2 BR's. 11, bath. CIA. ALL appliances. and frn1shed family room with fue place downstairs. Double garage. black-top drive and all landscap10g. Come and tour our model. F H.A. l1nanc1ng. $62,900.00. For showings and add1-t1onal details call: 1111 ALLEN 890-4152 ~.--:} A llvtllllOOOS New listing first time offered. Beautifully located end unit. Big country kitchen - 2 fireplaces . large family room. Call now for your private showing. 60's. MARLENE SNYDER 454-6233 AvAILABLE RESOURCEFUL DEPENDABLE WOODS ... PRIVACY ... Between Cryslal Lake and Buck Hill ... 2 fireplaces. central air. walkout... I '', baths. hardwood floors. quality' .. huge garage, big rec. room. formal DR. 67.900. MARK RICHARDSON 432-7407 CANTERBURY SQUARE New Construction . . Rambler's-split entry. FHA & GI Mid 60. BOB KOPP 890-4600 COUNTRYSIDE VIEWS ... City living! Attractive JBR split in a neighborhood convenient to schools and park. Beautiful views from a · huge deck overlooking the countryside. PAUL CHRISTIE SAIIDEE SCHIIEIDER COUNTRY IN THE CITY 432-0485 447-2760 1.9 wooded acres set in a location for convenience. Ideal location for workshop or small business while your family enjoys the country living. PAUL CHRISTIE SANDEE SCHNEIDER· 70+ ,.,,., 432-0485 447-2760 Modern living at its best! Enjoy this unique 3 BR. 2 bath home in Eagan. Huge master suite. loft over living room and more' '70s Call: ANN HOVDE · 423-2297 WEST IUIIIISYIUE V.A. $79.900 FHA. 4 BRs, 2 baths, formal dining, 2 fireplaces. finished amusement rm. 1400 SF on Isl fir. lmmed. possession. BOB KOPP 890-4600 UNIIELIEVAILE HIGH MOlrnKE!I NEW LISTING Hi! Hi1 High Assumable!!! 2 fireplaces. 1st floor family rm, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. amuse rm, cent air, gas BB-Q. Be sure to call on this opportunity. ELLIE SUIIOW BOB HARVEY 890-4320 894-5773 . \ 2ND FLOOR T.C.F. BLDG., NICOLLET AVE & BURNSVILLE PARKWAY All YOU WAIIT AND MOIIE! I st floor family rm w/ fireplace, glass door to patio, gas BBQ. delightful large kitchen, 3/ 4 bath off master BR. 24X29½ amuse rm plus 4th BR. rn Burnsville. $73,900 all terms11 ELLIE SUIIOW 890-4320 LIVING AT ITS BEST No snow shoveling or lawnmowing. Carefree livrng in one of the choicest townhomes ,n the Apple Valley area. Professionally decorated and high vaulted beam-ed ceiling. See rt today and find out what living is all about. PAUL CHRISTIE SANDEE SCHNEIDER CHOICE EACAII SPLIT EIITIY 432-0485 447-2760 Location! Location! Near Univac and Blue Cross. Coun· try Views and top notch condition. 2 fireplaces and Bl baths. None shows better new. Call today for a private showing. PAUL CHRISTIE SAIIDEE SCHNEIDER 432-0485 447-2760 THE PERFECT LOCATION TREES POND • : TRAILS Sharp - Clean 3 BR Rambler · Fi;eplace - Formal Din. Rm. + Eatrng area rn krtche_n - all kitchen appliances stay (includes trash masher) - Much more! 1 all for $76.900 MARY LOU l90-&428 . ~ ' . . -____ ., 1111 QUIET••••REWED The kind of home it' s easy to come to after a tough day. New constructron built with a dedrcatron to quali-ty. priced in 70's & so·s. Three models ready lor your prrvate showings. Call IIAllENE SIIYDf:11 454-6233 YOU CAl'T IUY nil 11££S They come free with this exceptionally maintained home. Vaulted beamed ceiling in living room . fireplace - 3 plus bdrms. Call MARLENE SNYDER 454-6233 ------. • ~ - -""L.,. ----' ...___,,_ , -- --r . ,r The Sharing g Caring Company WE BOAST: AWARD 1772:Co. Sales in· 239 Days WE ARE: The #1 Seller of Homes in Dakota Cty WE HAVE: . Total Knowledge of Financing Available -WE Of FER: ; Full Service WE GIVE: You the Best in Professionalism WE NE.ED: YOU!! :z :5::::>4!! ,RIDE Ill CJWIIEltSffi, SHOWll·HER~ This one time owner has taken special care of this 3• BR, I ¼ bath. 2 FI P. both levels furnished. CIA home. Good financing available. Call now for a personal tour. JIM ALLEN 890-4152 ~-FIRST FlOOR FAMILY ROOM Your family will fall in love with this 3 plus bdrm rambler in Burnsville. Terrific kitchen w/ eating area. 1st fir lam rm w/ fireplace, central air and intercom are only a few of the pluses. TOIIY.THEISEII 19CM035 .--~ _.-·. r.:-~ _.. L __ j. •i;. -. -~ { ; ~ .. •1' ~. I .il!I. . • ---...... -~ ,. . ._--r·-.;.-~ .. .,... !i,IICE REDUCED!! 3 plus BR overlooking Minnesota River Valley, fireplace. central air. formal dining, deck, 1 ¾ bath & more!! Must see at $75,900. Call for professional ser-vice. 808 or £LUE 194-5600 IIUST SEl1 "Only a transfer" makes this home available. Terrific neighborhood. cul-de-sac, plus 3 BR's, huge fam rm & frml din rm. PRICED TO SELL at $76,900. MARY LOO 890-6428 80+ QUICI POSSESSION Move in to this 3 bdrm 2 bath. Heatalater fireplace, c/ air. For private showings call MIKE HAMMERSTAD JERRY WH:KWND 423-3015 435-7374 tmlfFAIM 4 Acres • 1 ,. home • Farmington schools. Coontry setting · Q¥e., PAT MURLOWSKI TREE SHADED CHARMER With central air. 3 plus BRs, 1st fir lam rm w/ lrplc. amuse rm w/ bar. Home has had tender loving care! Contact. DEAN MORLOCK 447-4700 ....,_,,;t ENERGY EFFICIEIIT Tastefully decorated w/ o rambler with 3 plus bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, with I st floor family room. Completely finished! 80's! SUE Mclllll.EY 432-406716411 FIVE BEDROOM THREE BATH HOME · Exceptional value in this functional family home. Amusement room with fireplace. large country kit-chen and family room combination. two levels of liv-ing with 1300 square feet on main level. Priced to sell $81,900. JOHN NJWEU. ~369 SEEING IS BELIEVING A most unusual home in every respect; cathedral ceil-ings, formal dining, large sunny kitchen, spacious game room with pool table. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. In addition there are warm. glowing fireplaces in the liv-ing room, family room ANO game room. Also included is central air and appliances. Just right for the active family. BARB WETZEL 432-2094 90+ ··---------------IIAPlf ISWID New on the Market! Quality home with all the extras to make living easy. 90's. AIIII HOVDE 423-2297 PLO' PLOP FIZZ FIZZ Oh what a relief it is to vacation in your own back yard with inground pool! Exceptionally well maintained 3 BR rambler in super area of Burnsville. Call DEAi MORLOCK 447-4700 NEW HOME - NEW LISTING 4 plus bedroo·m . 2 fireplaces - finished family room · mud room or_ 5th bedroom - large deck, central air · brick and cedar construction. All this and more in a prime Eagan area of beautiful homes. Call today for private showing. DON WILLIAMS GOKEOUS COUIITIIY COLONIAL 423-2446 lakeville's Best! This 4 bedroom country colonial over1ooking parkland is professionally decorated in a true wooded, country setting. Close to 35W and Lake Marion. Call for private showing today. PAUL CHRISTIE SANDEE SCHNEIDER 1-00+ OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS!! 432-0485 447-2760 Attention Investors!! Almost new 2 plus 2 duplex available in choice Lakeville area. Rent out both sides or live in one and rent the other. Possible rental in-come of $425/on each side. Call today and check this one out. PAUL CHRISTIE SANDEE SCHNEIDER BUILDER'S OWN HOME 432-0485 447-2760 Custom Cape Cod in quiet neighborhood. Sunken liv-ing room, 1st floor master bedroom and heavily wood· ed lot. Builder's pride and joy. Quality craftsmanship evident throughout. See this one today and make your family happy. \1AUL CHRISTIE SANDEE SCHNEIDER BIG AND BEAUTIFUL 432-0485 447-2760 Huge 5 bdrm family home in an area of custom built homes. The unique design of the kitchen makes a delightful entertainment center that overlooks a massive wooded yard. Lower level is complete with family room, fireplace, bath and den or game area. Tastefully decorated and super clean. TONY THEISEN 890-4035 WISH LIST For the perfect home. 2 story colonial on wooded lot overlooking Crystal lake. 3 BRs. formal dining, deck · off master will take your breath away. Brand new! Con-tact DEAN MORLOCK 447-4700 CUSTOM.CUSTOM-CUSTOM Builders own home. Built with quality in mind. Must · be seen to be appreciated. Call for a private showing. Terrific Crystal lake location. TONY THEISEN -.'MAIIY DUVIC( 89G-4035 190-1277 REALTORS · :.The No., way to gO' .894-5600 ' . , . . \i . 't FANTASTIC - LUXURIOUS \1any adjectives could be used to describe ihis home. (ou have probably heard.most of them. This home has 3 bedrooms. 1st floor family room. 2 fireplaces, Isl floor laundry. It is cedar and brick - large heavily treed ,lot. Forget the adjectives and look at the home. DON WILLIAMS 423-2446 RUM RIVER 1 HOUR TO Al RPO RT 110.000 JOO It. of rivershore 1.3 acres of wooded land -~ewer 3 BR walkout contempora1y, 3 baths, 2 :ireplaces, main floor family room, central hall, central air, massive master suite with private deck, wood/ oil combo furnace, triple car garage etc. Assumable mtg. AIIII HAGEN 190-5463 COUIITRY FREllat Burnsville woods! Quality plus!! 3 levels of elegance with formal D.R., 2 baths, 1st floor family room · walkout to wooded back yard. Cul-de-sac location. Call for private showing. JAIIElll CARR 1190-7784 L l¼ ACRES OVEllOOIUIIG UIIE Quality construction supersedes in this 5 BR 4-le'lel split home located in an area of prestige. High assumable mortgage adds to the attractiveness. Area and amenities plus! SAIIDEE SCHNEIDER 447-27&0 4 LEVEL SPLIT I Earth tone decor - 'faulted beamed ceilings · thermo ! pane windows - walkin closets -, central vac · central ' air. want more? Call today to see this beautiful home. DOIi WIWAIIS 423-2446 BUILDERS HOME High on a hill above Crystal lake sits this la1ge w/ ~ rambler. The wooded yard is private and beautiful and 'your family has room to roam. 4 bdrms, formal dining, 1st fir lam room are only a few of amenities. Call for a private showing. TONY THEISEN 6. 187P 1 .. .. .. , 26 Five individuals who were ar t s tudent s at Nicollet Junior High Schoo l rece ived awa rd s at th e Minn eso ta Sta te Fair school art exhibit for work· they co mpleted last year . The five were all stud ent s of Nico llet in-structor Ga11· Carlson. They are: Bill Porter, who receivi;d a first place ribbon and cash award for · a lfno leum block print he created; .Joe Medved, who won a seco nd place ribbon and cash award for a dry pa int etching; Jamie McLaughlin, who won acer-tificate for a lino leum block print; Jean-nette Bender, who won certificates for an oil pa stel and a water co lor; an d Karen Boel:rnke, who was a certif icate winn er for a waterco lor and pe n drawing. The a rt work was disp layed in th e Edu ca -tion Building during th e fair, whic h ended Monday. It will be exhibited later this fall at Nicollet. ,. Ronald Kelley Jr., a 1979 gradua te of Burnsvi lle Senior High School, has enlisted in th e U.S. Navy and will rep o rt to San Diego , Ca lif., for recruit training. Kelley is schedul ed to receive training in th e Navy' s ad vanced electronic s scho ol. His parent s are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kelley Sr., 14750 W. Burn sville Parkway. Obituaries Ella Holman Funera l serv ices were held Saturday at St. J o hn' s Luth eran Church in Lakeville for E lla Ho lman , age 96, of 654 E. Crystal Lake Road . Int erment was at Lebanon Cemet _ery in Rosemount. Mrs . Holman is survi ved by her daughter, Edna Holm an of Burnville; four grandchildren; IO great-grandchildren; dau ght er -in-l aw, Florence Latter y of Burn sville; sister, Eva Sulzback of Min-neapolis; and many nieces and nephew s. Helen C. Hinz Funeral services were held Saturday at th e Eddy Funeral Home in Jame stown, N .D., for Helen C. Hinz, age 40, who died Aug. 28 at her home, 12928 Jame s Ave. S . . Interment was at Sunset Memorial Ceme ~ tery in Jame stown . Local arrangements were handled by the Burn sville Memorial Chapel. Mrs. Hinz was born Jan. 31, 1939 in Robinson, N .D., and was raised in James-town. In 1958 she married Herbert Hinz in Jamestown where the couple lived until 1969 when they moved to Burnsville. Mrs . Hinz worked for several supermarkets in the Burnsville area as ~ meat wrapper . She is survived by her husband, Herbert; sons, Lester and Dwight , both of Burns-ville; daughter , Julia of Shakopee; and sister and brother-in-law, Loretta and Ronald Olson of Shakopee . Community line KRISTI AND KAREN LLEWELLYN were scheduled to perform Monday as finalists in the Minnesota State Fair Talent Contest. Before Monday the girls won $50 for their dance to "Mame" and an encore to "Summer Nights ." Kristi, a ninth-grader at Metcalf Junior High , did the choreography for both dances. She is a student teacher at Pat Peare School of Dance in Burnsville. Karen, a Metcalf seventh-grader, has been dancing for about five years. The girls, who also sing and play guitar , are the daughters of Bob and Mary Llewellyn , 3001 Selk-irk Drive . National Cemetery. Pallbearer s were Don Patrie, Je rry Sovel!, Leon Grahn, Bob Wicker , Jim Senden and Fred Senn. Ar-rangements were made by the Burnsville Memorial Chapel. Mr. Hecomovich, 13216 Highview Drive, was born Oct. 28, 1942 in Grand Rapids, Minn., where he was raised and educated. In I ~64 he received a B.A ., majoring in biology, from St. John 's University, Col-legeville, Minn . He served in the U.S. Air Force . He worked for several companies before 1967 when he became employed by F.M.C. Corp . as a sales representative . He married Dee Cornelius in Atlanta, Ga., in 1973. Following their marriage, they moved to Burnsville. Mr. Hecomovich was a member of the St . John's alumni associa-tion and enjoyed golf and other sports. Junior Miss Pageant set The Burn sville Junior Miss Pageant, sponsor ed by the Buri:isville Jaycees and Jayce e Women, has been set for Saturday, . Oct. 27 at Burnsville Senior High School. Ticket informat ion will be announced later. The pageant is open to all girls who at-tend District 191 schools or are residents of Burnsville. To apply, girls should call Rita Butler at 435-7632 no later than Sunday, Sept. 9. Sharon Marie Voracek ha s ent ered th e U.S. Air Force dela yed enlistment pro-gram. Beginning Nov. 14 she will attend a six-week ba sic militarv training co urse at Lack land Air Force Base, San Antoni o, Tex. She has selec ted job training in the fire protec tion speciali st area. Voracek 's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Voracek, 13128 Judic ial Road . Susan Krietz and Marty Mueller received plaqu es Aug. 25 at the State Ca pit o l for be- . ing winner s in the Minne sota House of Represe ntatives "There Ought to Be a Law " contest. The conte st is open to junio r high student s throughout the state and is judged by an imp artial gro up of teacher s fro m throughou t the state. Marty is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mueller, 13221 York A ve. S. Susan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kreitz of Eagan. Storytimes begin at library Sept. 27 The first fall sto rytime s are scheduled at the Burnsville Community Librar y, I IOI W. County Road 42 . Two sessions are plan-ned - one on Thur sday s, Sept. 27 to Oct. 18 from 2 to 2:30 p.m., and another on Frid ays Sep t. 28 to Oct. I 9, from 10:30 to 11 a.m . Storytime is open to 4 and 5 year olds on ly. Children may be registered by callin g 435-7177 . Space is limited. Th e library will again be open Sundays fr om I to 5 p.m. begi nn ing Sept. 9. Sweet Sioux to elect off ice rs An upc omin g flower show will be discussed and new officers will be elected at the Sweet Sioux Garden Club of River Hill s' meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12 at th e home of Bev G re en, 11600 River Hills Drive. Memb ers also wm exchange houseplants. Per son s interested in attending the meeting should call _ Green at 890-5003 or Shirley Flaten , club pre sident, at 890-4011. Alpha Phi alumnae to meet in Bloomington Area Alpha .Phi alumnae will meet for a salad supper at 6:30 p.m. We dnesday, Sept. 12 at the home of P n.ie Calvin , 1217 River Terrace Drive, Bloomington. · . . For more information ~all Jeanne Tam at 432-2683 . . Edward D., Hecomovich He is survived by his wife; daughter, Jaima; parents, John and Mary Hecomo-vich of Grand Rapids; parents-in -law, Ernest and Wanda Cornelius of Atlanta; brothers and sisters-in-law, Tom and Bar-bara Hecomovich of Roseville; Jim and Dee Hecomovich of New Hope; Richard and Elaine Hecomovich of Somerset, N .J.; and Frank and JoAnne Hecomovich of Hilo, Hawaii; sister and brother -in-law, Rose and Larry Vowles of Sheridan, Wy .; and sister, Kathie Hanson of LaCeiba, Honduras . NEW A LA CARTE MENU Funeral services were held Aug. 29 at Mary, Mother of the Church for Edward D . Hecomovich , 36, who died Aug. 26 of cancer at his home. The Rev. Gene Pocer-nich, Mr. Hecomovich 's cousin , officiated . Interme ·nt was Aug . 30 at Fort Snelling MONTESSORI + DAYCARE Now Taking Fall Enrollments •6:30 a .m.-6:00 p.m. •Morning & afternoon classes •Ages 2½ to 6 yrs • Flexible scheduling . · MONTESSORI . + Beautiful wooded area across from Buck Hill at Grace United Methodi st Church, Burnsville . DAYCARE 435-8173 1 The Burnsvllle CURRENT, Septemb er 5, 1979 BEGINS SEPT. 10 • Famous Salad Bar • Superb Daily Luncheon Specials • Happy Hour from 4 to 7 in the Red Door Saloon • One all-you-can-eat entree served each day after 5 p.m. only $7.95 • Banquet Facilities Live Ent~rtainment Live Music, Dancing, Cocktails Tues.-Sat. from 8:30 p .m. NO CO VER CHARGE Enjoy Fine Dining Close to Home ~ -Scarborough Fare • Burnsville Pkwy at 35W • 890-6263 r. Next >